The Harsh Russian Baikal R9 for Ets2 1.27.x game version
The new version of the map Harsh Russia R9
New change in update:
- Adapted for 1.27.x
- Removed all machinery except MAN Magnit.
- Removed unnecessary shields (where there were photo passports) throughout the map.
- Off-road trailers are work old.
- The order of installation is shown in the video
In the archive created profile for those who have problems with the creation of a new one.
DLC dlc_east, dlc_fr, dlc_north.scs is disabled.
Pak Russian traffic from Jazzycat
For the correct start on ETS 2 (1.27), you need to disable the following
DLCs: dlc_fr, dlc_east, dlc_north (create a new folder where the DLC is
located and move the conflicting DLCs there)
Important:-Need download all 2 parts for correct work.