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Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Open Beta Update 1.26 0

| 10-11-2016, 19:09 | 2 942
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Open Beta Update 1.26

The next major update for Euro Truck Simulator 2 will pave the way for the release of Vive la France! DLC. The plan is to get the new official game update out simultaneously with the new map expansion.

After internal testing and several iterations in closed beta, we now feel good about where we are. There are still some minor issues to fix and and an extra round of polish to apply in the next few weeks, but we are not aware of any critical or show-stopping issues anymore. But we would like to be sure, and that's what our Open Betas are for!

The tentative changelog for the 1.26 Update can be found below, but first we would like to point out the main features, game changes and general adjustments that are a part of this upcoming game update.

Older Parts of France Reworked

Open Beta Update 1.26 for ETS 2 released

The newly-built regions of France that make up the Vive La France! DLC look gorgeous, and this inspired us to also refresh the regions that were already present in the game from the very start. In the picture above, you can see the area of France which we have retouched - the area that you will already be able to experience in this Open Beta of course. It's not a total rework from scratch, but we believe that you will appreciate some very visible changes in the world; new models, new intersections and use of higher resolution textures in many places.

The main star of this map refresh is the city of Paris, which actually has been completely rebuilt to make it way more elaborate than before!

New Transmissions for all trucks

Open Beta Update 1.26 for ETS 2 released

We have adjusted and added some new options for the transmissions of all the trucks tractors in the game, so now there are more options to choose - from the standard or overdrive style of transmissions or even the Allison 4500. We hope that especially the players who care for more choices and precision of the vehicle simulation will appreciate the new adjustment, now there are new opportunities to play with the ratio between engine and wheels.


Upgrade Shop & Truck Browser Search Tool

Open Beta Update 1.26 for ETS 2 released

A new search line was added into the game's upgrade shop and truck browser screens, so now you will be able to look up for example a specific paintjob or a particular engine upgrade. This new feature will come handy if you own a lot of our minor DLCs or if you happen to have lots of truck tuning mods installed.

A list of features coming with 1.26 Update for ETS2:


  •  Old Parts of France Were Reworked
  •  New Transmissions for All Trucks
  •  Upgrade Shop & Truck Browser Search Tool


  • Adjustable interior FOV per truck
  • Added parking difficulty (preset option included)
  • Truck repair/refuel performed by hired driver costs money, included in logs
  • Added informational dialog showing when game detects upgrade or downgrade
  • Added pounds + short tonnes as weight unit option
  • Better trailer air pressure simulation
  • Low air warning should only be active with running engine
  • Revised rolling resistance computations
  • Hired driver use the very same formulas for eco skill as the player


  • Changed map parameters (climate_profile, map_data)
  • Moddable interior camera zoom parameters. (speed, factor)
  • 1 degree rotation on Ctrl + R, 90 degree rotation on Home
  • Merged editable sign and sign dialog
  • Refresh sign template and its model from content browser
  • Added letter-spacing to sign editor
  • Store content browser navigation history
  • Support for day/nigh effect switching and child hookups for lod_model_hookup_u

You can follow this link to see the whole changelog of this update. Please also check out our modding wiki to get the best advice for modding the game.

If you're so inclined you can find this version in the public_beta branch on Steam. (Steam client → LIBRARY → right click on Euro Truck Simulator 2 → Properties → Betas tab → public_beta - 1.26  public beta). No password is required.

Just like with the previous Open Beta releases - please keep in mind that this is still only a test version of the update: it's perfectly okay if you want to hold off until the final release. But if you're the adventurous sort that doesn't mind a little instability and/or are an active member of the community who wants to assist us in the finalization of the new game version with your feedback, we really appreciate your help. Please report any bugs you find on our forum. Coming soon - Open Beta for the new update of American Truck Simulator!



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