Beaver Creek Season Map V1D v1.0 by Stevie for Farming Simulator 17 game.
A great addition added to the game Farming Simulator 17 is Beaver Creek Season Map V1D for v1.5.x game version, which can be downloaded for free and without registration. You can also see other fashion from the category Maps for Farming Simulator 17 or go to the main section FS 17 games.
Note 1. If you download this you must start a new game.
Note 2. This map is not compatible with both seasons and the straw addon dlc activated at the same time.
Map development changes and additions to V1D.
Features map:
- New custom foliage added.
- Small area adjustments.
- New detailing added.
- New models added.
- My own custom Luzerne added to the map with 3 growth cycles, to be harvested with the Forage Harvesters and Xdisc direct cutter.
- My own Dairy added this will be developed further in future maps.
- Sales Prices tweaked Beat Pulp added into the map.
- New Particle holders and fill planes added.
- New distance textures matched.
- Sky swapped out.
- Displays added to all mods, cleaner illuminated texture created for them.
- Particles and sound added to the green houses.
- Performance Adjustments made in the map.
There's more but you won't notice.
Design, layout, textures and some installed mods Stevie, Extra 3D models Luke_BK, server mp testing jman8798. Further scripts, models and installs; Marhu, Farmer_Andy, KevinK98, Kastor, Blacksheep, Nils23, Webalizer, FSModding, and Eisberg without whom the maps would not be as much fun to play.
Donation link:
Tested on game version 1.5.x