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Romania extension for Europe Extended Map v1.1 0

Author: | 22-01-2018, 11:53 | Views: 1 495
Romania extension for Europe Extended Map v1.1
Category - ETS 2 maps
Version game - 1.30.x
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Romania extension for Europe Extended Map v1.1`for Ets2 1.30.x game version

This is Romania Expansion with 12 romanian cities, most of them a premiere for ETS2.

 The ones with (r) are rebuilded from existing cities in the map, not an easy thing though.

 The rest are builded by me from zero.

We have:



Dr. Tr. Severin, 



Rm. Valcea, 

Bucuresti (r), 


Oradea (r), 


Bacau(r) and Focsani(r), 

all eligible for game starting city.

There are 3 road connections with Hungary, 2 with Ukraine, one with Moldavia, 3 with Bulgaria,
2 with Serbia and a ferry connection from Constanta to Odessa.

 12 ways to connect to the rest of the map. 

This will connect Balkan Peninsula to Europe in a natural way.
The map it's not 100% corect speaking from geography point of view, 

because the original map was already over some romanian territories, but it's close. 

Arayas Europe Extended Map

If you are not aware about this map, a short presentation from first version:

 This is a branch from Mario Map, Europe version of the map, with an extension in North Africa and Middle East.

 This was cleaned and transform to a normal version of Europe and 
Includes places like Russia, Turkey, Balkan Peninsula, Egypt, Island and so on.
You dont need 7 maps and 14 road connection files to have a decent game. One it's enough.
And it has oversized and heavy cargo too.

All cities are connected for transport by road, except the ones who need a normal and natural ferry connection. 
All abusive ferry and airport connections are removed.(a big problem in Mario)
The american maps or other exotic maps are NOT in this package.(another problem in Mario)
I added new road texture, new normal economy, and part of my work,
like Soft Superlights, Normal Virtual Mirrors, Police ON, Loading Screens (normal) and few tweaks i use on my game.
Future developement of this map will be provided. 

This map it's huge and it's not compatible with any other map. 

If you want map details about coverage, see the video :


1. For version 1 users:
Download just the update package from HERE (227 mb)
Unzip the archive and you will have 2 SCS files. 
Copy them in MOD folder to overwrite the old ones. 
DELETE MOZOROV map file, it's now included in main map.
 If you are using version 1.0, finish your delivery, save, load the update and go on with your profile.

Romania extension for Europe Extended Map v1.1

Thats all.

2.For new users:
Download the map:

Warning! It's a multizip file, you need all 4 files to start unpacking! 
Unpack and you will have 8 SCS files. Move them to MOD folder.
Open the game, make a new profile and in MOD MANAGER click them in order, from 1 to 8.
You will have the folowing order in mod manager:
This is the way to do it.
That's it. Let the game cache the map at first start (about 1/2 hour) and after that in 2 minutes it's on.
Have fun.

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Romania extension for Europe Extended Map v1.1 Romania extension for Europe Extended Map v1.1 Romania extension for Europe Extended Map v1.1

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