Schwarzwald Map v0.3 for Ets2 1.26.x game version
*You need scandanavie, going east DLC
Viva la france maybe needed next update.
German flatland/lowhills style with small/medium villages.
In the future it will contain one big city (Really big)
(Every road in the city will be accesable like house areas and shopping centra's.
The map is focused on realism. Not based on real exising roads or cities. only german style.
Official Trailer:
Map Maker: Rob Viguurs.
Converted the map to 1.26.x. 100% working without any problems.
Red trees have been fixed thanks to the maker of Fael: Thanks Rafael.
Improved some parts of the map (Added details and parkinglot at the Castel, fixed some little things)
I have been working on 3 new villages but that isn't included in this update because they need to be finished completely first.
Installation instructions:
Step 1: read this instruction carefully.
Step 2: Put Schwarzwald in your documents -> Euro truck simulator 2 -> mods.
Step 3: Start the game and make NEW profile!
Step 4: First activate the mod.
Step 5: Then select the game MODULE ''du'' (if you don't select the game module the map won't work) (The game module is located in the bottom of your screen when you select your truck and name enz...)
Step 6: Play the game.
UPDATE instructions:
Step 1: Download the new version.
Step 2: Replace the .scs file.
Step 3: Open mod manager (No new profile is needed)
Step 4: Check if the mod is still on.
Step 5: if asked confirm.
Step 6: Play and you will get a message that the game world have been changed and that your cargo have been cancelled.
Report anything to me if you see someone uploading the map on their name or anything where it doesn't belong or not uploaded by me. Just report me anything if you guys see something not official from me!..
Uploading to other host or site is not allowed!
Editing on this map mod is ONLY for personal use (Not allowed to upload/share your edited version)
If i see someone that does this he will be warned, and second time i see it the map won't be
uploaded anymore, update's and news is then only available in private group on facebook!
For questions or help: '''' ''Facebook: Rob Viguurs''
Happy Trucking