Combine John Deere 8000 Series v1.0 for Farming Simulator 2017
I am proud to introduce its completely new harvester John Deere 8000 series in Farming Simulator 2017.
It has been reprogrammed, all it took many hours to wrap knives inside.
All work on the baseline scenario, including a nice washable lights inside, lightning and more ...
When testing was found no error log! Fehler frei!
* 8300 Power: 455 PS Price: 260,000
* 8600 Power: 582 PS Price: 315,000
* 8800 Power: 755 PS Price: 350,000
* John Deere 686 Cutter Width: 6 m (recommended for 8300 and 8600)
* John Deere Kemper 390 Width: 9 m (recommended for 8800)
* Zürn Profi Cut 620 Width: 6.2 m
* John Deere Pick Up 659
Remember to comply with this great model author. Most sinister, thank you!
Please do not edit this version! This is V1.0 and I can do another one!