LANDINI 14500 V1.0 0

Author: | 28-03-2017, 22:35 | Views: 1 297
LANDINI 14500 V1.0
Category - Tractors FS 17
Version game - 1.4.X
Credits: -
Landini 14500 edit of Jukka's IMT 590
- attacher Joints
- lights
- animated Vehicle
- speed Rotating Parts
- motorized
- steerable
- drivable
- cylindered
- aiVehicle
- bunker Silo Compacter
- honk
- washable
- wheel Rotations
- interactive Control
- interactive Windows
- interactive Buttons
- warning Signs
- door Opener
- allradwelle Animation
Authors: EuplioItalo, original mod by Jukka
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LANDINI 14500 V1.0 LANDINI 14500 V1.0 LANDINI 14500 V1.0

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