Fix v1.0 for TSM v 6.6.2 for Ets2 1.30.x game version
Note from the Author:
Playing TSM 6.6.2 I have seen in the gamelog that the map had a fault in
the file 2_t_small_5a_oneway_mirr.ppd since the version of this file is old in relation to
the version that uses the original map of ETS2.
For this reason here I bring you the updated version of the file 2_t_small_5a_oneway_mirr.ppd
*This file must be placed above the file TSM 6.6.2_prefab & more.scs
I have noticed that the previous version of the mod had a bug so I have uploaded this
new version immediately in which the bug is corrected. Sorry for the inconvenience