Patch 2.21 for Cyberpunk 2077 - this patch introduces support for NVIDIA's DLSS 4, which promises significantly better image quality, stability, performance, and lower memory usage compared to previous versions. This enhancement is particularly beneficial for users with RTX graphics cards, offering improved visuals without compromising performance. A significant portion of the patch notes is dedicated to fixing and enhancing the Photo Mode.
Changes in Patch 2.21 for Cyberpunk 2077: Photo Mode
Nibbles and Adam Smasher can now be spawned while V is in the air or in water.
Fixed the Facial Expression option for Adam Smasher.
Fixed an issue where Adam Smasher's glowing chest cyberware was missing.
Fixed an issue where, if Johnny's Alternate Appearance was enabled, both options to spawn him (default and alternate) resulted in the alternate look.
Characters spawned while V is in the air or in water will no longer snap to the ground.
Characters will now be properly saved in presets.
Spawned characters will now be visible after adding a background.
V's rotation and position will now be properly saved in presets.
Fixed an issue where adjusting the Up/Down slider for V wouldn't change their position between certain values.
NPCs that turn invisible after disabling the Surrounding NPCs option will no longer have collision.
Fixed an issue where loading a preset could cause additional light sources to appear even when disabled, or spawn them in incorrect positions.
Fixed an issue where the camera could get stuck on walls after setting Full Collision to ON.
Fixed an issue where camera settings would only apply after loading a saved preset twice.
Enabling a background will no longer change camera position.
Rotating the camera will now work properly with a background enabled.
Fixed an issue where the prompts for Move Camera and Rotate Camera would appear when the camera cannot be moved (e.g. when using the First-Person Perspective camera).
Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to move the camera after spawning a character while highlighting the Edit Character option.
Disabling Chromatic Aberration in the Graphics settings will no longer affect the ability to adjust it.
Fixed an issue where some items in scenes disappeared after setting the Surrounding NPCs option to OFF.
Fixed an issue where enabling PhysX Cloth would unfreeze NCPD vehicles.
The rule of thirds grid will now properly adapt to the selected aspect ratio.
Fixed an issue where the image in a SmartFrame wouldn't be visible if accessed while V was not facing it.
Fixed an issue where opening Photo Mode simultaneously with Wardrobe or Stash caused the game to become unresponsive.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to access Photo Mode before a save file fully loaded, causing it to open without UI and block any further action.
Fixed other minor Photo Mode issues related to spawned characters, camera movement, controls, and more.
Fixed various UI issues in Photo Mode, SmartFrames and Gallery menus, including slider inconsistencies, localization errors, missing sound effects, incorrect behavior when interacting with certain features, and more.
Vehicle Color Customization
Fixed several texture and color inconsistencies for vehicles that have CrystalCoat applied.
Fixed an issue where the explanation of the spray paint icon was missing in the Autofixer tutorial pop-up after a vehicle contract was completed.
Fixed several minor UI issues in the CrystalCoat and TwinTone menus.
Character Creation
Randomizer settings in Character Creation will now be preserved after advancing to the Customize Attributes step.
Fixed an issue where the Piercing Color option would not be available in Character Creation after enabling piercings if V initially had none.
Fixed other minor issues in Character Creation, including appearance options not applying correctly, visual clipping, inconsistent UI behavior, functionality issues after using the randomizer, and more.
Run This Town - Fixed an issue where, under certain circumstances, it wasn't possible to deactivate the Aguilar imprint after meeting with Bennett.
Fixed several instances where Johnny could appear duplicated in the passenger seat during some quests when he was already present in the scene.
Fixed an issue where Johnny did not appear as a passenger often enough.
Introduced several fixes to NPC and vehicle behavior for various small events throughout Night City.
Fixed an issue where some vendors were not interactable as intended.
Fixed an issue where voiceovers on TV news channels could be missing or too quiet.
Fixed an issue where the Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech used a description of Quadra Turbo-R 740 instead of its own unique one.
Fixed the missing 2.2 "check what's new" pop-up in the main menu.
Fixed an issue where screenshots appeared as blank in the Gallery on Xbox if they were taken with HDR10 enabled.
Added a pop-up in the Gallery to notify players when access to screenshots is blocked by the console's privacy settings on Xbox.
Screenshots deleted on Xbox outside the Gallery UI will now be correctly marked in the Gallery and will disappear from occupied slots after reopening the Gallery.
Fixed an issue where the Graphics Mode on Xbox Series S could be set to Quality instead of Performance by default.
Added support for DLSS 4 with Multi Frame Generation for GeForce RTX 50 Series graphics cards, which boosts FPS by using AI to generate up to three times per traditionally rendered frame – enabled with GeForce RTX 50 Series on January 30th. DLSS 4 also introduces faster single Frame Generation with reduced memory usage for RTX 50 and 40 Series. Additionally, you can now choose between the CNN model or the new Transformer model for DLSS Ray Reconstruction, DLSS Super Resolution, and DLAA on all GeForce RTX graphics cards today. The new Transformer model enhances stability, lighting, and detail in motion.
Fixed artifacts and smudging on in-game screens when using DLSS Ray Reconstruction.
The Frame Generation field in Graphics settings will now properly reset after switching Resolution Scaling to OFF.
Changes in Patch 2.11 for Cyberpunk 2077: Gameplay
Melee Finishers will now work properly.
Fixed an issue where health items could become unequipped from the quick access slot after using consumables.
It will now be possible to properly switch Z and W keybinds for AZERTY keyboards.
When using the Classic control scheme, performing dashes will no longer result in crouching.
Fixed an issue where it was still required to use the F key (default) to interact even if bound to a different key.
Binding the right mouse button to an action different than aiming will no longer result in aiming and the new action occurring simultaneously.
Axolotl cyberware will now also reduce cooldown when neutralizing an enemy non-lethally.
The Iconic Contagion quickhack will now properly cause an explosion when combined with the Overheat quickhack.
Added Psalm 11:6 and Buzzsaw crafting specs for players who completed the required activites to acquire them but they didn't drop.
Fixed an issue preventing players from upgrading items to Tier 5++ on Xbox.
Skeleton cyberware will no longer get downgraded after acquiring level 3 of the License to Chrome perk.
Skill Shards for skills that are already maxed out will no longer drop.
The RAM cost for the Cyberpsychosis quickhack will now properly decrease after applying Cyberware Malfunction or an EMP effect.
Killing NPCs who are drunk or using a braindance will now properly trigger the police system.
Fixed an issue where RAM Recoup cyberware was restoring less RAM than indicated by its description.
Fixed an issue where fists would not have a chance to apply Bleeding after reaching level 20 in the Solo skill.
Fixed the description for Biomonitor cyberware so it properly states that it heals you when health drops below 50% rather than 35%.
It will now be possible to activate Sandevistan cyberware during holocalls if in combat.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to get killed by a quickhack while Berserk is active, despite its feature ensuring that health cannot drop below 25%.
Cyberware Capacity will now be capped at 450. Cyberware exceeding the limit will be unequipped.
Fixed an issue that could cause loot to float in the air as well as reappear in the same spot after picking it up.
Quests & Open World
Adjusted car chases so that they're not too frequent and don't overlap.
Fixed an issue where vehicles purchased on the Autofixer website weren't added to the owned vehicles list even though money was spent.
Made it possible to obtain the BFC 9000 Iconic weapon for players who missed the crashed AV in Rancho Coronado.
Fixed an issue where the animation of inspecting the NCART City Pass could be triggered inside an elevator, causing V to fall through it.
Fixed an issue where the message from NCART Customer Support that unlocks the metro wouldn't arrive, even if the requirements were met.
Fixed some instances where Gigs could remain stuck as incomplete in the Journal without any objectives.
A Day In The Life - Fixed an issue where Darrell Zhou would instantly die after approaching the quest marker and speaking to him. Please note that the fix is not retroactive, meaning that you need to load a save prior to speaking to Darrell to be able to complete the quest.
Belly of the Beast - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to exit the Basilisk after entering the tunnel.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: On Deaf Ears - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to collect the information required to progress because the shard wasn't present in the area.
Don't Lose Your Mind - Fixed an issue where, after choosing to merge the Delamains, it wasn't possible to progress past the "Approach the car" objective because the cab didn't spawn.
Down on the Street - Fixed an issue where Takemura wasn't present when arriving at Wakako's pachinko parlor.
Gig: Bring Me the Head of Gustavo Orta - Fixed an issue where Gustavo would immediately become hostile after entering his office.
Gig: Bring Me the Head of Gustavo Orta - Fixed an issue where the guards would immediately attack the player after picking the peaceful Street Kid dialogue option.
I Really Want to Stay at Your House - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to sleep in V's apartment bed while the quest was active.
Psycho Killer - Improved the reward for neutralizing all Cyberpsychos. Players that already claimed the reward can visit Regina and collect the new reward from the weapon crate.
Reported Crime: Dredged Up - Fixed an issue where the trail that must be scanned to progress could be missing.
Spellbound - Fixed an issue when the discounted price for the Spellbook could be higher than the full price.
Phantom Liberty-specific
Black Steel In The Hour of Chaos - Fixed an issue where there was no objective in the Journal entry because the objective to meet Reed at the abandoned hotel wouldn't appear.
Black Steel In The Hour of Chaos - Fixed an issue where there were no dialogue options that would progress the quest when talking to Yoko.
Firestarter - Fixed an issue where some weapons could become job items after being retrieved from the locker.
Hi Ho Silver Lining - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to talk to Mr. Hands in the Heavy Hearts club because he wasn't interactable or did not spawn for players who experienced this issue on 2.1.
Just Another Story - Fixed an issue where Vehicle Contracts weren't spawning in some cases.
Things Done Changed - Fixed an issue where the screen could go black after calling the nurse for players who experienced this issue on 2.1.
Added an end credits message from Reed for endings other than The Tower.
Removed the possibility of installing attachments on the Catahoula Iconic pistol.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to activate the Sensory Protocol perk when it was on cooldown.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to activate Synaptic Accelerator cyberware during its cooldown.
It will now be required to have a cyberdeck installed to benefit from Cogito Lattice cyberware.
Fixed an issue where the buff after exploding an enemy with the Detonate Grenade quickhack didn't match the description.
Added a Radioport category in Settings → Gameplay to customize Radioport behavior. Enable "Sync to Vehicle Radio" to keep the music playing after exiting a vehicle. With "Cycle Stations with Button Press", effortlessly switch between radio stations by simply pressing the Radioport button without the need to open the Radio menu. Enable "Save Current Station" to have the Radioport resume playing the radio station upon loading a saved game.
The data window that appears when scanning will no longer default to the "Hacking" tab rather than "Data". Instead, it will now remember which tab was open last.
Fixed an issue preventing players from changing cyberware at Ripperdocs and seeing the Cyberware Capacity bar.
Added a pop-up message for when it's not possible to activate Sandevistan during holocalls.
Like the non-Iconic variants, Iconic quickhacks will no longer have the duration displayed in their descriptions.
Made small improvements to the appearance of Net sites.
Neon-lit rims for the Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X will now light up properly.
Fixed shadows appearing on V's torso when wearing tank tops.
Fixed dark shadows appearing on V's hands when holding some weapons with Ray Tracing enabled.
The Devil and Judgment tarot cards will now be properly displayed on the end-game reward screen.
Tire track marks will now match the actual contact patch of the tire.
Adjusted the suspension movement of some traffic vehicles to improve it visually.
Motorcycle suspension has been improved to reduce visual clipping into roads and curbs. Braking is also improved. Some vehicles, including cars and trucks, will now better handle landing from big jumps.
Brake Torque Vectoring has been added to the Drive Model simulation. This change effectively reduces understeer on vehicles that previously used to suffer from it excessively when hard braking while turning (most noticeable on FWD and rear/mid-engined vehicles).
Retuned or improved tuning in various vehicles. This includes: Mizutani Hozuki MH1, MH2 and “Hoseki”, Villefort Deleon V400, V410 Coupe and "Vindicator", Thorton Colby CST40, Mahir Supron FS3-T, Chevillon Centurion 1000, Quadra Type 66 “Hoon”, and more.
Added a Hybrid CPU Utilization setting, which can be found under Gameplay → Performance. It can be set either to "Auto" (lets the operating system automatically decide how to distribute threads among the cores) or "Prioritize P-Cores" (prioritizes performance cores). It is set to "Auto" by default.
Implemented a fix that improves performance, especially on AMD RX Vega GPUs.
Added the CrystalCoat feature which allows you to change vehicle paint color. Because this technology was developed exclusively by Rayfield, it is currently only available for Rayfield vehicles you own.
Controller Inner Dead Zone has been changed to new default values for players who didn't change them, as keeping the old default values could result in stick drift.
Fixed an issue where the door in the Megabuilding H10 apartment wouldn't automatically close in some cases.
Changes in Patch 2.1 for Cyberpunk 2077: New features
V's issue with their NCART City Pass is resolved and they can now travel between the 19 metro stations located throughout Night City on 5 different lines via fast travel or riding the train itself while gazing out the window and watching the world go by.
V will now be able to invite their love interest to spend some time together in any of the apartments. Hangouts are a repeatable, unlimited event that become available once the romance path with a given character has concluded.
You can now listen to the radio while on foot (or while riding the NCART train) using the new Radioport feature. Available while you explore, it switches seamlessly to car radio whenever you get in a vehicle and turns off when quest-specific music starts playing. It is now also possible to adjust the volume directly in the radio window.
Added replayable car races V can take part in after finishing The Beast in Me. Look for race flag icons on the map and win the races to get eddies and a discount for the Autofixer website. Additionally, we improved the racers' AI to make them more competitive and made enhancements so that the whole experience is much more fun!
Sightseeing binoculars in various scenic spots have been added as another way to appreciate Night City's vistas.
You can find out more about the Accessibility features available in the game in this article.
Added an option to enable a bigger interface font.
You can now disable the timer in the Breach Protocol minigame.
Added a new Accessibility tab, moved the Difficulty and Subtitles settings and some of the Controls and Interface options.
Added a "Weapon Cycling to Arm Cyberware" setting, which allows to enable or disable cycling arm cyberware when cycling through equipped weapons.
UI panel's Up/Down and Left/Right keys are now rebindable to adapt to AZERTY and QWERTZ keyboards.
Quests & Open World
V can now be pursued by gangs after taking an aggressive approach toward them during certain gigs and main quests.
Gigs that involve stealing and delivering a vehicle can now turn into a car chase and a combat sequence.
Decorative vendors spawned inside some kiosks are now functional. Please note that food stands are not impacted by this change.
It is now possible to sit at various bars in Night City and interact with the vendors.
Fixed an issue where some gigs wouldn't trigger after approaching the quest area.
Chippin' In - Fixed an issue where Rogue would follow V around permanently.
Cyberpsycho Sighting: House on a Hill - Fixed an issue where Peter Greene's body was still highlighted after scanning.
Every Grain of Sand - Fixed an issue where the reward vehicle for completing all Badlands gigs did not spawn.
Gas Gas Gas - Fixed an issue where the reward vehicle for completing all City Center gigs did not spawn.
Gig: Olive Branch - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to talk to Sergei Karasinsky because he did not spawn.
Killing in the Name - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to progress past the "Go to the signal's source" objective because the conversation with Johnny did not trigger.
Life During Wartime - Fixed an issue where Panam would not get on the motorcycle when required to follow her to the gas station.
Space Oddity - Fixed an issue where the quest did not activate even after updating the game to Patch 2.01.
The Prophet's Song - Fixed an issue where the quest could reappear as "Undiscovered" on the map.
Phantom Liberty-specific
Fixed an issue where enemies in some Suspected Organized Crime Activities in Dogtown did not spawn, blocking progress.
Fixed an issue where in-game time would not pass after watching the braindance from Lizzy Wizzy's concert. It is required to use the Skip Time option for the fix to take effect.
Fixed an issue where Arachnophobia and All the President's Men achievements were not granted despite meeting the requirements.
The Relic Ruler achievement will no longer unlock after acquiring only one Relic Perk. Please note that this fix will not reset an already unlocked achievement.
Previously exclusive Iconic weapons are now obtainable in the game.
Alabai, Borzaya, Laika, Taigan and Volkodav Iconic weapons will now be available for purchase from the Black Market Vendor if they were not retrieved from an Airdrop.
Addicted to Chaos - Fixed an issue where the quest would complete automatically without actually finishing it.
Addicted to Chaos - Fixed an issue where the garage door would not open after entering the code.
Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos - Fixed an issue where Mr. Hands would not answer when called.
From Her to Eternity - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to place the metal pin on the table in V's apartment.
Get It Together - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to enter the Heavy Hearts club.
Hi Ho Silver Lining - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to talk to Mr. Hands in the Heavy Hearts club because he wasn't interactable or did not spawn.
Lucretia My Reflection - Fixed an issue where the player could be stuck in a permanent holocall with Songbird after leaving the abandoned apartment.
Lucretia My Reflection - Fixed an issue where Reed would not call after waiting two days.
Somewhat Damaged - Fixed an issue that could cause the player to get stuck in a crouching position, making it impossible to connect to the port in the core.
Somewhat Damaged - Fixed an issue where sprinting or jumping was permanently disabled after riding the elevator.
Things Done Changed - Fixed an issue where the screen could go black after calling the nurse for players who still experienced this issue on Patch 2.02.
Improved the boss fights with Yasha Ivanov, Boris Ribakov and Adam Smasher. Smasher will now be able to activate Sandevistan.
Crafted weapons can now have up to two mod slots. Please note that this change won’t affect weapons crafted prior to this patch.
Increased the rate at which mods drop from enemies. Added a chance for weapon mods to appear in containers that previously offered only Crafting Components.
Increased the availability of mods in weapon vendors' stock, Pax mod will be always available.
It will be now possible to properly install Tech weapon mods instead of Power weapon mods on the HA-4 Grit.
Tier 4 and Tier 5 weapon mods can now be found in weapon vendors' stock (if the player's Tier is high enough).
Increased the max ammo limit you can carry in your inventory for all ammo types.
Crafted Iconic weapons will now be properly displayed when put in the stash.
Cyberware Capacity Shards should now drop properly for players who have reached the max level.
Fixed an issue where some Tier 5+ weapons and cyberware were upgraded to Tier 5+ again or to a lower tier.
It will now be possible to activate Overclock while controlling cameras.
Kerenzikov will now work with throwable weapons.
Fixed an issue where the V for Vendetta achievement would unlock despite not meeting the requirements. Please note that this fix will not reset an already unlocked achievement.
Fixed an issue where the player didn't receive The Quick and the Dead achievement despite meeting the requirements.
Reduced the minimum stick tilt angle required to stay in sprint when playing on a controller.
Secondary stats in cyberware changed via the "Chipware Connoisseur" perk will no longer have their values randomized after saving or loading.
After reaching level 60 in the Netrunner skill, the Overclock ability will now properly reveal the enemies within 10m and allow you to hack them through the cover.
Adjusted the Synapse Burnout quickhack. Decreased the max damage bonus from +400% to +300% for Tiers 3-5. Decreased the max damage bonus from +600% to +400% and lowered the bonus per RAM unit from 12% to 10% for the Iconic variant.
After crafting an item with the Active Chimera Core or Cerberus's Decoded Behavioral System Component, the crafting specs required will disappear from the Crafting panel.
Players who completed all of Regina's gigs prior to Update 2.0 will have the Neofiber cyberware they received as a reward replaced with Axolotl.
Stats from arm cyberware will now be applied correctly regardless if they are drawn or not.
Fixed an issue where V's HP wouldn't drop below 25% due to BioDyne Berserks's effect remaining active permanently. Please note that this fix is not retroactive, as it won't affect cases where this issue already occurred prior to 2.1.
Vehicles & Traffic
Opened the previously closed-off highway that spans Westbrook, Santo Domingo and Heywood.
It is now possible to lean while riding bikes. Use LShft/LCtrl on keyboard or Left Stick on a gamepad to make the rider lean - Up to lean forward, or Down to lean back. Leaning only changes your Center of Mass. Lean back and apply the gas to do a wheelie, lean forward and apply the brake to do an endo. Changing your Center of Mass changes how much traction you have at either end. Lean forward a little mid-corner to induce oversteer, lean a little back to induce understeer. In the air, lean forward/backward to do flips, steer to do spins!
Added 5 new bikes to purchase from the Autofixer website.
Added a new car - the Porsche 911 Cabriolet. Visit the Autofixer website for more details.
Added an option to mark vehicles as Favorite in the Call Vehicle menu.
Added an option to throw knives and axes while riding bikes.
Improved the melee animations when driving bikes in third person perspective.
Attacking an NPC driver will now cause their vehicle to swerve.
Overhauled sound effects in scenes in the base game's main, side and minor quests.
Authoring and up-mixing of scenes to the Surround Sound format.
Added missing sound effects.
Fixed missing post-processing for voices.
Improvements to gun and combat sound effects.
Improvements to vehicle audio.
Various sound fixes.
Panam will no longer sound as if she's in a holocall when talking to her about events from Phantom Liberty in person.
Various lighting improvements around the city.
Improved the visuals of Kiroshi scanner highlights.
Changed the appearance of the Blackwall in Transmission to match its appearance in Phantom Liberty.
Fixed an issue where there could be a cigarette permanently attached to V's hand.
The flame will now be properly aligned with exhaust pipes on the Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X.
Electroshock VFX released by Microgenerator will now have VFX when playing without Phantom Liberty.
Fixed some instances where the animations after installing cyberware at Ripperdocs would not trigger.
Added an option to mark weapons as Favorite, so that selling, disassembling or dropping them is locked.
Changed how Resolution Scaling modes are presented in Graphics Settings. Added a toggle to switch between DLSS Super Resolution, AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.1 and Intel Xe Super Sampling 1.2. Depending on your selection you can customize other options, e.g. enable Dynamic Resolution Scaling.
Added a tooltip describing how to gain XP in each skill in the Skill Progression panel.
Attempting to attack or shoot in areas where combat is disabled will now display an "Action Blocked" popup on the HUD.
Ray Tracing: Overdrive Mode - exits preview status and includes several image quality improvements.
Introduced ReSTIR GI – Further improves path-traced lighting quality in RT: Overdrive mode, especially darker areas with no impact on performance, minimizes ghosting.
DLSS Ray Reconstruction – now available in RT Ultra and other RT modes with RT Reflections enabled.
Fixed an issue where V's and NPCs' skin could have a metallic-like effect when Ray Tracing was enabled.
Fixed an issue where some characters' hair didn't cast shadows when Ray Tracing was enabled.
Added support for DualSense controllers. If you experience issues with the game freezing on Steam when the controller is connected after the game is already launched, please make sure to change PlayStation Controller Support in Steam settings to "Not Enabled" instead of "Enabled" or "Enabled in Games w/o Support".
Added support for Samsung HDR10+ GAMING for NVIDIA GPUs. To enable this feature, your display has to support the technology and have the "Game Mode" enabled. The HDR10+ GAMING toggle can be found in Settings in the Video tab.
[Xbox] Fixed an issue where a "Save failed - insufficient space" popup would appear when trying to save despite not reaching the save limit.
[Xbox] Added a new error message that will appear when Phantom Liberty is installed on an unsupported drive.
Fixed a crash occurring when trying to reach the second sniper in Play It Safe.
It will now be possible to properly interact with the radio in V's apartment in Megabuilding H10.
Fixed an issue where there was still some dead zone after setting the Inner Dead Zone on a controller to 0.
We now provide a memory offset list of some of the functions commonly used by modders to simplify updates of community tools.
Added more secrets to be discovered by players in Night City.
Hey chooms, remember that these are just the highlights! There are a lot of other improvements and fixes in this update, so make sure to check them out yourself tomorrow!