Information: Tested on the game version 1.16.x + DLC, can be combined with packages from Jazzycat
Description: Europe and Africa European countries. Norway, Sweden, Finland, England, France, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Italy African countries :, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt (there is even a pyramid) in six cities .
New cities:
01.Chorvatsko - Zagreb (Zagreb), Sisak
02.Bosna and Herzegovina - Sarajevo
03.Jugoslávie - Belgrade (Belgrade)
04.Rumunsko - Timisoara, Bucharest (Bucharest)
05.Bulharsko - Ruse, Varna, Pleven, Lom, Lovech (Lovech), Sofia (Sofia), Elin, Pelin, Burgas, Plovdiv, Blagoevgrad, Svilengrad, Petrich (Petric)
06.Recko - Serres, Drama (Drama), Kavala, Alexandroupoli
07.Türkey - Kirklareli, Istanbul, Marmaraegelisi, Uzunkopia, Kavakkoy
Credits: Mario Bogdanov
Credits to all the authors of the mods for their hard Work.
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