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Miniguns Standalone v1.0 for Fallout 4 0

| 19-04-2017, 13:20 | 2 616
Miniguns Standalone v1.0 for Fallout 4
Category - Fallout 4
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Miniguns Standalone v1.0 for Fallout 4 game.


Miniguns Standalone
Originally I had intended for these to be exclusive to my combined weapons pack, but some people have asked for a standalone version, so here it is.

For your enjoyment we have 3 new miniguns;
-The Personal Minigun (aka the Rockwell CZ53)
-The Avenger (aka the Rockwell CZ57)
-The Vindicator (aka the Rhinemetal AG Vindicator)

These are my own personal interpretations of miniguns from previous fallout games. Artistically I have taken the most visual cue's from Fallout Tactics, as I always thought the designs from there were the most interesting.

These guns have some awesome unique firing sounds courtesy of Ollie1994, Master7, and Magmacow358 so if you like the sounds then please give these guys some kudos!

Last but not least these weapons utilize the custom reload animations Steampunk755 kindly created for my other mod: the MK22 Heavy Machinegun. So If you havent already given him some kudos now is the time ;)

Concerning mods:
Each of the weapons has the same mod pattern, that being:
4 Recievers, 4 Barrels, 3 Sights, 2 Mags, 3 Muzzles, and 4 Ammo types.

1. Make sure that your game is set up to play mods.
2. Download the main file.
3. Install with your mod manager of choice OR extract the contents of the archive to your
    Fallout 4 "Data" Directory.
4. Activate "Skibs-Miniguns.esp", it can go anywhere in your load order.
5. Start the game.
6. Smoke some fools.

All weapons in this pack have been added to Levelled lists via script, and can be found in shops and on enemies in the world. If you must have one immediately though you can spawn one via console.

To do this first open the console and type:
For the Personal Minigun: help personal 4 weap
For the Avenger: help avenger 4 weap
For the Vindicator: help vindicator 4 weap
This will show you the item code for the weapon you want. Once you have the code then type:
player.additem xxxxxxxx 1
Where xxxxxxxx is the 8 digit item code.

Bethesda for Fallout 4 and the CK.
Magmacow358 for use of his M134 loop
Ollie1994 for use of his minigun sounds
Master7 for use of his minigun sounds
Steampunk755 for his awesome animations
Millenia for his 3dsMax tutorials.
AutoDesk for 3dsMax.
The Nifskope team for Nifskope.
The xEdit team for F4Edit.





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Miniguns Standalone v1.0 for Fallout 4 Miniguns Standalone v1.0 for Fallout 4 Miniguns Standalone v1.0 for Fallout 4

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