Download Simulator Mods » Euro Truck Simulator 2 » ETS 2 other mods » Steering Wheel Animations by indian56

Steering Wheel Animations by indian56 0

| 15-05-2017, 12:50 | 1 414
Steering Wheel Animations by indian56
Category - ETS 2 other mods
Version game - 1.27.x
Credits: -

Steering Wheel Animations for Ets2 1.27.x game version


This small mod contains the animations of the steering wheels of trucks (including UK versions)

contained in ETS 2, as well as the modifications made in the definitions.



When the ignition is switched on, the steering wheel is moved from "parking" to "operating" position.

When the engine is stopped, it moves the steering wheel from the "operating" position to the "parking" position.


Unfortunately, the two DAF and IVECO HI-WAY have not yet been made - they are slightly macerated -

but are in progress when I'm upgrading the upload!


* The animations - as I have already mentioned - are specifically designed for base trucks

(in the game), for modded trucks only if they have not changed their

"interior" animation file and are the same as the original SCS!


>>Do not reupload!<<

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Steering Wheel Animations by indian56

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