Cyber-Light Apartments v1.0 for Fallout 4 game.
This mod adds an apartment building with 2 available apartments on the top floor at 8,000 caps each.
(base price might be higher or lower depending on your level)
The building is located near the theatre district right near D.B. Technical High School.
How to purchase the apartments:
When entering the lobby area you should be greeted by Cas the receptionist and you can Purchase
the keys from her.
The apartment features:
Fully Navmeshed.
Over 15 custom made assests.
New textures.
Animated lamps.
Animated drawers for the cabintes.
day-night cycle.
Weapons work bench rooms.
Power armor room.
Working light switches.
Base game.
Enb used in screens and trailer:
Photorealistic Commonwealth
Pictures of my settings are in the file.
18:00 and 24 best show the lighting.
Q.Why that location?
A. I was getting really bad frames in the city and moving/deleting anything made it worse.
Q. Any updates going to happen with this mod?
A. Once the bugs have been sorted I plan to add more furniture and misc stuff
Q. Xbox one version?
A. Yes about a week after it's been released on here.
The collision mesh for 2 of the shelves isn't working properly. (working on it)
This mod is the first time I've worked with scripts and NPCs so please report any bugs.