Momos Physics v4.2.2 (1.27.x) for Euro Truck Simulator 2 game.
Changes in v4.2.2
– Adjusted the tyres for better maneuverability.
– Reduced the driver head moving forward.
– Slightly adjusted the seat suspension.
” This mod is the most realistic physic mod I’ve ever tried. The way how the cabin moves when I’m driving over diffrent kind of roads, inside and outside and in combination with the pneumatic seat. And it works with SCS trucks as well as with modded trucks.
A promo video which shows you a new mod and teaches you some usefull things about driving at the same time. Isn’t that great? So, for all the wannabe truckers out there, watch this video. Maybe you can learn something”
– Realistic, agressive, firm & heavy cabin behavior
– Realistic, soft suspension
– Realistic, soft, firm seat air suspension
– Realistic, agressive, firm & heavy cabin roll
– Greatly improved maneuverability of 8×4, 6×4, 6×2, 6×2/4,. A lot smoother steering.
– TOP priority in the mod manager. (Required)
– In the game option menu, enable “Physics Camera” and slide its bar to the maximum. (Required)
– In the game option menu, set the trailer stability to zero. (Recommended)
– Steering non linearity is recommended at 100%
– Steering sensitivity is recommended at 100%
Tested on game version 1.27.x
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