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Prefab with animated gate v1.9 by Todor Alin 0

| 21-08-2017, 09:38 | 1 255
Prefab with animated gate v1.9 by Todor Alin
Category - ETS 2 other mods
Version game - 1.28.x
Credits: -
Prefab with animated gate v1.9 for Ets2 1.28.x game version
Note from the Author:
I edited few old prefab (quarry,car factory, nbfc and heavy factory). I replaced static gate with an animated one.
It is trigered automaticaly when you drive close to it. Must wait until is fully open, or may take HEAVY DAMAGE !!!!!
Just activate mod in mod manager with higher priority.
I don't add a version check in this mod (in order to be used in future version),
but DON'T USE in lower version than 1.26 !!!!!!!!

Version 1.1
Added animation to small_warehouse.
Corected few visual errors.
Note: I make animation from scratch. Hope is good enough....

Version 1.2
Added animation to warehouse_orange.
Added directional gate to ikea_sc prefab (You must obey driving on right side on entor or exit)

Version 1.3
Added animation to win_pow_part_storage_sc
Corrected animation to small_warehouse and warehouse_orange

Version 1.4
Added animation to trucksim_warehouse

Version 1.5
Increased the speed of some animated gate, due to a possible glitch
(when opending and you get away too soon, can stay "partialy open" with collision stuck"

Version 1.6
Added animation for warehouse_large_grey,warehouse_large_grey_v2 and tradeaux
Some minor adjustment for animation on warehouse_small, warehouse_orange.
Corrected animation position on previous animated prefab.

Version 1.7
Changed animation for warehouse_small and warehouse_orange (hope this is better now)
Bring back with minor correction the animation for ikea_sc.

Version 1.8
Mod adapted to 1.27.2+ patch
Increased gates triggering distances
Corrected issues

New version 1.9 for patch 1.28+:
Changed easy spam location for warehouse_orange prefab to acomodate with double trailers.
It is necesary to rebuild map to have efect.
Map makers can use this mod without asking permission.

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Prefab with animated gate v1.9 by Todor Alin

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