Spotlight [RAGE Hook Plugin] v1.1 for GTA 5 game.
Changes in v1.1
- Fixed various crashes.
- Complete rewrite.
- Open source: GitHub
- Added light volume.
- Added corona from origin.
- Splitted settings file into "General.ini", "Offsets.ini" and "VisualSettings.xml", inside "Plugins\Spotlight Resources" folder.
- Added more visual settings. Current settings: Color, CastShadows, OuterAngle, InnerAngle, Intensity, Range, Falloff, VolumeIntensity, VolumeSize, CoronaIntensity, CoronaSize, Volume, Corona, Specular and MovementSpeed.
- Improved in-game editor.
- Improved spotlight controls.
- Added API for developers. Example
-Install RAGEPluginHook (Open Alpha - 0.56+). Not sure if it works with previous versions.
-Drop the "Spotlight.dll" file and "Spotlight Resources" folder into the "Plugins" folder in your game directory.
This plugin has 3 input layouts:
-For toggling the spotlight press I.
-For moving it use the NumPad (NumPad4, NumPad6, NumPad8 and NumPad2).
-For tracking peds press NumPad1 and for vehicles press NumPad3.
-For toggling the spotlight press LB + X.
-For moving it use the left stick. You can change this to the right stick or the DPad in the General.ini file.
-For toggling the spotlight press I.
-For moving it hold down the left control key and move your mouse.
And to open the in-game editor press F11.
Check General.ini file to change which keys/buttons should be used, or if any controls should be disabled.
Tested in game version v1.0.877.1