Kelsa Lightbars for DAF XF 105 & 106 v1.1 for Ets2 1.28.x game version
The focus of this pack is to bring various Kelsa light bars available for the XF 105/6.
All parts resemble their real counterparts as close as possible, that includes slot numbers/positions.
Every part is custom fit to it's respective truck.
New parts in v1.1:
HiBar DH12 (SC cabins)
VisorBar (SSC cabins); can be used with the DH08 HiBar
Parts included:
HiBar DH04 (SC cabins)
HiBar DH08 (SSC cabins)
LoBar (different for 105/6)
Sidebar for XF 105 (stock side skirts for 4x2 only)
Sidebar for XF 106 (stock side skirts for 4x2 only)
Extra download:
A simple def edit to allow SCS small lights on roofbars, sidebars. etc.
Thanks Reef for the notice.
Respect the original download links.
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