Piva Weather Mod v4.5 for Ets2 1.28.x game version.
(Update 18-Sept-2017)
New updated version 4.5 .
-Changed colors and brightness for shiny and overcast weather.
-Added lost clouds shadows.
-Cloud shadows depends of skybox texture, so intensity from 0 till 1
-Shadow sizes variety from 200 to 10000.
Compatible with ProMods and EAA maps. (I don't test, but if last version work - so this version work too

Can work on all version's from 1.21
Changes in v4.4:
- Changed colors and brightness, that can be possible in 1.28 version.
- Removed obsolete climate.sii files.
- Removed unused files.
- Fixed night skybox textures.
- Fixed skybox model file to new version.
Piva Weather Mod v 4.3 for ETS2
This mod I was made for me for default map only.
This mod made for best (on my opinon) view from inside truck cabin.
Please no any request. Mod not be changed by your request.
Mod provide as is without any warranty for correct work with your mods set.
Piva Weather Mod 3.0 (for fun)
This mod for fun, who don't like "cartoonish" and "reddish" weather colors.
Try to set not too fast transition between day and night.
Reduced white color overbright.
Tested on game version 1.28.x
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