Download Simulator Mods » Euro Truck Simulator 2 » ETS 2 other mods » Sewer Mod by Reinhard [1.30.x]

Sewer Mod by Reinhard [1.30.x] 0

| 16-12-2017, 12:30 | 1 228
Sewer Mod by Reinhard [1.30.x]
Category - ETS 2 other mods
Version game - 1.30.x
Credits: -

Sewer Mod for Ets2 1.30.x game version

The game has very noticeable 3D-animated indicators for taking jobs, getting fuel,

visit a garage for repair, and some other purposes.

Talking of these bright, green, wobbling animated cubes.

This mod makes them all invisible, following an idea of "newS", who provided such mod in the days of ETS1/GTS.

The famous "Gulli-Mod". Instead there will be sewer plates (storm drains, gullys or whatever

it is called in your country) placed on the ground

The symbol of the toll gates is removed without placing a sewer.

This is because you have to drive close to the boom barrier anyway and can't miss the spot.

Be warned, you may not want to use this mod until you are experienced enough to find all these

spots without much looking. And there might be problems if you use map mods which have made changes

to prefabs or sole objects using this stuff, especially if the hight of such objects is changed.

If spots are invisible due to such a situation, try your best by watching the hint on the navigation assistant (GPS).

The sewer at the entry of the quarry is half-covered by mud and looks a bit displaced.

I can't change this without make all the other company-entrance sewers hovering, so I decided to just live with this.

Mod is compatible with 1.27 - 1.30 game versions

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Sewer Mod by Reinhard [1.30.x]

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