Download Simulator Mods » Euro Truck Simulator 2 » ETS 2 Interiors » Interior/Exterior Reworks MEGAPack v1.3.1 (1.32.x) for ETS 2

Interior/Exterior Reworks MEGAPack v1.3.1 (1.32.x) for ETS 2 0

| 14-10-2018, 23:59 | 1 840
Interior/Exterior Reworks MEGAPack v1.3.1 (1.32.x) for ETS 2
Category - ETS 2 Interiors
Version game - 1.32.x
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Interior/Exterior Reworks MEGAPack v1.3.1 (1.32.x) for Euro Truck Simulator 2 game. 

A great addition added to the game Euro Truck Simulator 2 is Interior/Exterior Reworks MEGAPack for 1.32.x game version, which can be downloaded for free and without registration. You can also see other fashion from the category Interiorsfor Euro Truck Simulator or go to the main section ETS 2 mods. 

Changelog for ver.1.3.1 
-fixed errors in console;
 -added missing animated cables on Iveco Stralis;
 -updated definition files;
 -mod now supports ETS2 1.32. 

Changelog for ver.1.3
- updated interior animations definition files;
- required pmg files were converted to new format to fix yellow warnings in gamelog;
- updated and improved some textures.

Features for v1.3.1:
-Mod changes lots of interior and exterior (cabin/chassis) parts materials and textures for all vanilla trucks;
-Mod aims to improve visual experience of the ETS2 by enabling high quality textures;
-Most of textures based on real interiors and exterior truck parts;
-Added new windshield wipers modes for all trucks;
-Improved looks of chrome, metal, plastic and glass parts of the trucks;
-Improved truck dashboards, light systems;
-Improved models of vanilla MAN TGX and Iveco Stralis.

Features for v1.2:
-Mod changes lots of interior and exterior (cabin/chassis) parts materials and textures for all vanilla trucks;-Mod aims to improve visual experience of the ETS2 by enabling high quality textures;
-Most of textures based on real interiors and exterior truck parts;
-Added new windshield wipers modes for all trucks;
-Most of trucks will have interior light;
-Improved looks of chrome, metal, plastic and glass parts of the trucks;
-Improved truck dashboards, light systems;
-Improved models of vanilla MAN TGX and Iveco Stralis.
New Change in ver.1.2
-improved various interiors textures for all trucks;
-added interior lights for most of the trucks;
-added backlight for tachographs;
-fixed errors in materials and definition files;
-added new tweaked materials;
-MB Actros `09 and DAF Euro6 interiors (Trust Edition and Exclusive) were changed to more common interiors;
-other small changes.
All trucks interiors can be seen here:

Tested on game version 1.32.x
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Interior/Exterior Reworks MEGAPack v1.3.1 (1.32.x) for ETS 2 Interior/Exterior Reworks MEGAPack v1.3.1 (1.32.x) for ETS 2 Interior/Exterior Reworks MEGAPack v1.3.1 (1.32.x) for ETS 2

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