Download mod LED Trucklight Logo Series v3.5 (1.34.x) for ETS2 | Euro Truck Simulator 2 game.
This is a new version of my LED Trucklight Logo Series.
Trucklogos with Light for MAN,Scania,DAF,Mercedes-Benz and Volvo FH 16
Fully standalone mod, it doesn't replace anything.
Addet on Version 3.5:
on all Trucks:
Scania Next Gen S and R:
-Skinnable white and orange
-Chrome white and orange
-Scania Vabis Embleme only right side orange and white
-Super Logo white with white light and orange light
-Engine V8 650 [ V8 logo on white light and orange Light ]
-Engine S730 on white and orange
Daf106 by SCS:
-Skinnable white and orange
-Chrome white and orange
MAN Euro6 by SCS:
-Skinnable white and orange
-Chrome white and orange
MAN TGX Euro6 by Madster:
-Skinnable white and orange
-Chrome white and orange
Scania RJL:
-Skinnable white and orange
-Chrome white and orange
-works on all Frontgrill
Mercedes Benz New Actros by Schumi Rework
-Skinnable white and orange
-Chrome white and orange
Volvo FH 16 by Eugene
-Chrome Logos White and Orange
DAF 105 by SCS and Vadik
-Chrome Variant White and Orange
Accessory addet:
-Double King of Road white and orange
-Double Stock Scania white and orange
-Super (Skinnable) white and orange
-Besser non Light Chrome
-Besser Chrome white and orange
Mod creator: Dennis Grelak of SCS Base
The mod has been tested in 1.33.x and 1.34.x game versions
You can share this on other sites but KEEP ORIGINAL DOWNLOAD LINK AND CREDITS!
NO NOT REUPLOAD TO OTHER FILE SHARING SITES! You can freely edit mod for personal use.
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