Download mod 1.6 Nuke Remastered Map v1.0 for CSGO | Counter Strike-Global Offensive game.
- Fixed black textures and wireframing
- Fixed black textures and wireframing
- Few lighting and shadow adjustments
I didn't plan any changes but I've received few messages about broken textures. It could have been fixed earlier (like 2 months) but I didn't have enough time to fix it and that's the reason why update comes out so late. Also working on another map is extremely hard also because of lack of time. In the end I will try to ship the map in this year.
Graphically remastered Nuke from CS 1.6 with unchanged layout
Not much to say about it.
Just try.
Not much to say about it.
Just try.
Installation instructions for the map:
- Download the archive, unzip the file with the .bsp extension to "your game folder" / csgo / maps;
- Start Counter Strike: Global Offensive, then to launch the map, you need to open the console and register: map map name
- Download the archive, unzip the file with the .bsp extension to "your game folder" / csgo / maps;
- Start Counter Strike: Global Offensive, then to launch the map, you need to open the console and register: map map name
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