Real Tires Mod version 6.3 for Ets2 1.35 game version
This mod includes 126 different front and 95 different rear tyres from some of the biggest tyre manufacturers
Goodyear, Michelin, Bridgestone, Yokohama, Continental, Dunlop, Fulda and Pirelli!
All of the data about tyre performance was taken from official websites of said manufacturer.
The data used is for the corresponding tire size so even the same tyres in different sizes can vary.
New version 6.3:
- Fix for patch 1.35
As of version 4.5 this is now fully standalone mod. It should work with all 22.5" rims that use stock wheel position.
With version Hankook tires were added so BCMPY pack became BCHMPY!
There are now 3 versions of the mod:
1) Full mod with all of the tires
2) GY group: Contains all of the tires from manufacturers owned by Goodyear
3) BCMPY: Contains Bridgestone, Continental, Michelin, Pirelli and Yokohama tires
4) Winter tires pack
Tested on 1.35(beta) game version.
-Ventyres -> for original wheels models
Install Help:
Make sure Real_Tires_for_50k_*.*.scs after original 50k_WheelsPack.scs
Download link for latest BCHMPY version:
Download link for latest GY group version:
Download link for latest Winter Pack version:
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