Download mod Uncle D CB Chatter v1.35F for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.
A great addition added to the game American Truck Simulator is Mod Uncle D CB Chatter for 1.35.x game version, which can be downloaded for free and without registration. You can also see other fashion from the category Other mods for American Truck Simulator or go to the main section ATS mods.
This mod allows you to hear real truckers talking on the CB Radio when carrying trailers at ATS. I think this interesting mod will move the game to a different dimension. In addition, continuous updating of this mod makes everything even more beautiful.
So, another one, as promised for the new year, your 6th in a line of brand new CB chatter files this year just over a hour long each. I only post these chatter files to 3 SCS download mod sites so if you see em elsewhere thanks to whoever is sharing em, but this site is one of the ONLY 3 sites I use. You’ll never see these chatter mods in the Steam ATS workshop as the workshop only uploads mods to your “mod” folder and my CB chatter mods will always go in your “music” folder NOT “mod” folder. As always with my CB chatter mods, WARNING DRIVERS FOR THE ADULT LANGUAGE!!! these files are not intended for younger SCS drivers or sensitive listeners, and if you know how REAL truckers talk on their cb’s then you already know most have the dreaded “potty mouths”. (and no I will not censor these playbacks)
This mod is simply a studio edited MP3 file and you will place in your SCS “MUSIC” folder not “MOD” folder and play with your in cabin radio playlist ok.
Other than that enjoy em drivers, got plenty new ones coming this year and keep on trucking and keep on talking @#$@ on dem radios out there real drivers so we can continue to laugh our ass’s off in our simulator!
“Uncle D”
Uncle D Logistics ATS VTC
Tested on game version 1.35.x
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