Download Simulator Mods » SnowRunner Mods » ReShade Graphics Mod v1.0 for SnowRunner

ReShade Graphics Mod v1.0 for SnowRunner 0

| 3-05-2020, 17:57 | 1 203
ReShade Graphics Mod v1.0 for SnowRunner
Category - SnowRunner Mods
Version game - v4.7
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Download ReShade Graphics Mod v1.0 for SnowRunner game.

ReShade Graphics - this mod improve game visuals to the game making him more realistic.

Features mod ReShade Graphics:
- Everything is at a minimum (decent graphics in the game).
- The only thing I wanted to remove the haze for clarity of the picture!
- Installation to go through the installation, specify the path to SnowRunner.exe, connect or configure your preset.
- If you do not screw a lot of effects, then drawdowns on FPS are not noticed.
- You can check out the picture on my stream and see if it's worth installing. I do not advise on weak PCs.
- And yes, this can be configured in the xml (daytimes) file, but then to whom it is more convenient!
- Laid out, maybe someone will need other effects.

Tested on game version v4.7 
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ReShade Graphics Mod v1.0 for SnowRunner ReShade Graphics Mod v1.0 for SnowRunner

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