Download Simulator Mods » Fallout 4 » Old Time Religion Mod v1.2 for Fallout 4

Old Time Religion Mod v1.2 for Fallout 4 0

| 15-03-2021, 13:50 | 1 331
Old Time Religion Mod v1.2 for Fallout 4
Category - Fallout 4
Version game - v1.10.163+
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Download mod Old Time Religion Mod v1.2 for Fallout 4 game.

Old Time Religion - this mod adds a fully voiced lore-friendly quest mod featuring a new worldspace, player home, unique weapon, new armor and companion. The Sole Survivor must help a religious wastelander from the West. A religious Wastelander from the West named Eli tasks the Sole Survivor to find one of the last known “Good Books” in the commonwealth, and along the way will face a dangerous and mysterious trial to prove their worth.    

Features Old Time Religion:
1. Short/Medium sized quest with gripping story and 1-2 hours of new content
2. Music, references, and easter eggs from Fallout 1 - New Vegas
3. Fully voiced Player and NPCs
4. Unique weapon and armor
5. Simple underground Player Home in the Glowing Sea
6. Simple companion that can be used alongside vanilla and modded companions

Changes in v1.2:
- Fixed a bug where the flannel and jeans texture and gunner flannel texture were the same.
- Fixed a bug that changed the alternate text for some commonwealth doors.

Tested on game version 1.10.163+
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Old Time Religion Mod v1.2 for Fallout 4 Old Time Religion Mod v1.2 for Fallout 4 Old Time Religion Mod v1.2 for Fallout 4

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