MZKT-VOLAT 741351 ETS2 - this modifications adds a Belarusian tank transporter for ETS2 players. The MZKT-741351 is a revised and updated version of the previous MZKT-74135 with a different layout. The new vehicle can haul more load. Its predecessor, the MZKT-74135, was also developed to participate in the United Arab Emirates tender and eventually 40 prime movers with associated trailers were ordered. Recent MZKT trucks are typically marketed under Volat brand.
Features MZKT-VOLAT 741351:
- Standalone vehicle; - Sold by a mod dealer; - Various wheels; - Several engines and gearbox;
- the choice of colors;
- the choice of wheels;
- FMod Sound support;
- Flags DLC support; - Cables support;
- Cabin Accesories support;
- the model has own interior;
- the model has own sound;
- the model has own wheels;
- Detailed 3D model.
Changes in v1.2:
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.50; - Unknown other changes.
Tested on game version 1.50.x
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Changes in v1.1 By Master_Yoda (1.46.x): - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.46; - Calibrated the diameter of some wheels due to a collision conflict on the chassis; - Added new inventory to the interior and bonuses from STEAM; - Added a huge number of engines and sounds to them; - Added support for metallic color; - Added support for megapack of skins from Master_Yoda (Army and Rusty paint); - Fixed bugs in other previous versions!; - Fixed in-game log for 100% clean status. Download Link 1 | Download Link 2
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