Download Simulator Mods » Farming Simulator 22 » Enhanced Animal System v2.2.0.2 By Chissel for FS22

Enhanced Animal System v2.2.0.2 By Chissel for FS22 0

| 13-09-2023, 12:20 | 727
Enhanced Animal System v2.2.0.2 By Chissel for FS22
Category - Farming Simulator 22
Version game - v1.12.x
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Download mod Enhanced Animal System v2.2.0.2 By Chissel for FS22 | Farming Simulator 22 game.

Enhanced Animal System - includes improvements in animal behavior, feeding, health monitoring, and reproduction. It may also include additions to the range of livestock available for players to raise and breed.

This script adjusts nine points:
1. animals no longer get only one animal as offspring, but specifically many for the respective animal species (with scattering).
2. stables can be overcrowded by the offspring, but this has an effect on the health of the animals. Alternatively, animals that no longer fit in the barn can be sold directly. This can be set in the animal menu.
3. animals that are too old will be removed randomly
4. animals with 0% health will be removed
5. animals offspring can be male or female
6. animals can be reproduced now by a veterinarian
7. reproduction attempts of the animals by the veterinarian can fail.
8. feed consumption of female animals increases shortly after birth
9. milk yield is dependent on the last birth

Tested on game version v1.12.x
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Enhanced Animal System v2.2.0.2 By Chissel for FS22 Enhanced Animal System v2.2.0.2 By Chissel for FS22 Enhanced Animal System v2.2.0.2 By Chissel for FS22

Changes in v2.2.0.2:
- Horses can be ridden again

Changes in v2.2.0.1:
- Bugfix: Straw can now be used for sheeps and goats

Changes in v2.2:
1.) Feature: Veterinarians can now reproduce animals manually.
2.) Feature: Male animals reproduce with the female equivalent automatically.
3.) Feature: The veterinary based reproduction of the animals can fail.
4.) Feature: The feed consumption of the female animals increases shortly after birth.
5.) Feature: The milk yield of cows and goats depends on the last birth.
6.) Feature: Cows and goats do not give any more milk from 80% reproduction until birth (dry period).
7.) Feature: Goats and sheep can produce manure.
8.) Change: Cows can reproduce only from 18 months.
9.) Change: The reproduction of the animals always increases.
10.) Bugfix: Fixed a bug that caused overcrowding despite overcrowding being disabled.

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