Download Simulator Mods » Farming Simulator 22 » Kandelin At MV Map v1.2.0.2 for FS22

Kandelin At MV Map v1.2.0.2 for FS22 0

| 7-10-2024, 22:13 | 404
Kandelin At MV Map v1.2.0.2 for FS22
Category - Farming Simulator 22
Version game - v1.14.x
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Last edited by: admin - 7-10-2024, 22:13
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.2.0.2
Kandelin At MV Map FS22 - welcome to Kandelin, here with us in the Mecklenburg region of Nordvorpommern. Every morning when the sun casts its first light over the vast fields shrouded in mist, the small community of Süderholz comes to life. Become part of this community and take up the challenge. "Start where others stop" - farming around Kandelin offers diverse and challenging opportunities, from small farmers to large-scale operations with agricultural areas of up to 140 hectares. Discover the villages and the surrounding area as part of the contracting company, expand your business or enjoy the simple farmer's life on the idyllic sheep farm.

Features Kandelin At MV:
- 48 fields and 9 meadows
- 8 game farms with 4 BGAs (BGA must be purchased separately)
- Various production and sales points.
- 4 forests
- 3 purchasable solar parks
- pre-installed wind turbines can be purchased separately
- and much more...

Changes in v1.2.0.2:
- no new savegame required
- Distance textures of green rye adjusted
- Yield amount of green rye adjusted for mowers
- New power poles and telephone poles placed
(collisions can still be deactivated in the start house)
- Some old buildings renewed
- Lime, seeds and fertilizer can now be sold at various points of sale

Tested on game version 1.14.x
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Kandelin At MV Map v1.2.0.2 for FS22 Kandelin At MV Map v1.2.0.2 for FS22 Kandelin At MV Map v1.2.0.2 for FS22 Kandelin At MV Map v1.2.0.2 for FS22

Changes in v1.2.0.1:
- new access for farm Agrar Kandelin via the slab path
- Loading area for manure adjusted so that larger trailers work
- Farmland of Hof Agrar Kandelin enlarged in the direction of the slab path
- Fixed a bug at the silage silo on the farm Agrar Kandelin
 Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v1.2:
- a new savegame is recommended for all adjustments/new features)
- latest version of Mod FS22_SalvageHallSet ( ) is required
- fixed tree between field 43 & 53 (caused crashes)
- adjusted some floating objects
- Deco on the paddock connected to the stable
- Corrected spelling mistakes on the PDA
- Purchase and sales prices of compound feed adjusted
- Manure plate Agrar Kandelin adjusted
- Some adjustments on the farm Agrar Kandelin
- indoor area of debris hall Agrar Kandelin adapted
- some decorative objects made for sale on the farms
- GH Substrate can now be bought loose in Kandelin and Bisdorf
- Sales points ice cream parlors and retirement home moved to the street
- Productivity of lime and sugar beet production increased
- Harvested grass no longer grows when you drive over it
- All cowsheds must now be mucked out (loading trigger for trailers available with loading symbol)
- Fence at the sheep pasture can now be sold
- Farm Augustin assigned the right sounds at the fans
- Pasture fences and gates are now acquired with the purchase of farmland
- Double trees removed at the pond of field 17 and field 54
- Straw plane on the farm Agrar Bisdorf fixed
- Collisions of the signposts have been removed
 Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v1.1:
- New savegame required
- Fruit destruction 2.0 installed
- Adaptation of various plant textures
- Manure system installed
- Some texture adjustments
- Increase of the max. dumpable piles
- Various bugs fixed (floating trees, missing collisions, ...)
- AI traffic revised and new license plates created
- Fixed a bug in the lime production
- Added points of sale for methane
- New PDA created
- some adjustments to the height model
- the mod Extended animal system is no longer mandatory
- Fixed an error with the field stones
- Fire department reworked and made purchasable
- Added deco plants in painting mode

Changes in v1.0:
- First release
Download #2 | Download #3

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