Net Wrap Addon FS22 - this package add the management of the net wrap for round balers, after the creation of every bale, the round baler works for add the net wrap (it's required that the round baler is work mode). After the round baler has added the net wrap, it's possibile to unload the bale. The baler for round bale can be filled with the net wrap, using the pallet with 10 rolls of net wrap. The pallet is present in the pallets category of the store. Every roll is lenght of 4.500 meters and every bale is wrapped 8 times by default.
This package includes: – Added the net wrap for round balers – Added a new HUD that show the net wrap fill level – Added a new pallet with rolls of net wrap for refilling your round baler – Added pallets with rolls of net wrap with different brands design – Added all default round balers of the game edited for working with net wrap – Added new store packs: “Net Wrap” here you can find all mods that working with net wrap – The net wrap used is calculated based on the size of each bale
Pallet with rolls of net wrap: Brands: Lizard, Claas, Kuhn, Kverneland, Poettinger and Vicon 12 rolls of net wrap 2.800 meters of net wrap for every roll Price: 3.000 €
WARNINGS: – Always check that you have net wrap in the round baler before using it – The round baler doesn’t work if the net wrap is missing
REMEMBER: To make for the use of the net wrap to work for your round baler, you must follow the comments inside the example mods present in the “howToEditMods” folder. For the last, add this text in your modDesc file: FS22_netWrap_addon
Tested on game version v1.14.x
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Changes in v3.4: New additions - new mods are supported: TerraLifePlus
Changes in v3.3: New additions - new maps are supported - added new configuration for activation with or without storage rolls - new mods are supported: Claas Rollant 520 - added configuration for AI Worker - added support for mod Course Play Bugfixes & Changes - Fixed multiplayer issues - Added possibility to unloading the net wrap Download #2
Changes in v3.2.1.1: - Fixed the empty roll of net wrap - Fixed baler with net wrap deactive Download #2
Changes in v3.2.1: New additions - new mods are supported - added support for Straw Harvest Pack Bugfixes & Changes - Fixed the color of net wrap - Improved the script
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