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Volvo FH 2009 8x4 v1.0 for ETS 2 0

| 5-11-2015, 12:17 | 2 920
Volvo FH 2009 8x4 v1.0 for ETS 2
Category - ETS 2 trucks
Version game - 1.21.x
Credits: -

Adapted for transportation of superheavy cargo chassis Volvo FH16 8x4.
Mod adapted to patch 1.19 -1.21
The basis is taken from the mod Roadhunter "Volvo FH 2009 8x4 Ulfers V4.1" which was published more than a year ago. Thanks to the author.

List of changes:
- Added this truck in dialer center.
- Added this truck in company.
- Added real engine tuning D16G700 euro 5 (848 hp 3818 Nm).
- Added branded headlights "Volvo".
- Added camouflage skin.

- Characteristics of the chassis (including the volume of the fuel tank) have nearly real values.

As the game ratios gearbox and drive axles are registered in a single file, we had to make some identical gearboxes with different final drive ratio.
After the name of each transmission, I have two options - FG (first transmission gear ratio) and D (differential gear ratio).
The higher differential ratio (D), the more thrust and less top speed.

Maximum trailer weight - 200 tons.

Tested on 1.19 -1.21

The archive contains a supplement  addons to the trailers from Jazzycat (Cargo Packs v3.5, Military Cargo Pack v.1.7 and Railway Cargo Pack v1.61 ) which increased the mass of more than 100 cargoes.
The main modes you can download on the website of the author.

Since the description of mod (included in the archive) writer made no mention of the ban on the change in this mod, as well as publication of modified versions of this mod, I think that copyright is not violated all the more that the model did not change the chassis. Changes were only specifications.


model: Roadhunter
Parameters gearbox and chassis: Tornado

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Volvo FH 2009 8x4 v1.0 for ETS 2 Volvo FH 2009 8x4 v1.0 for ETS 2 Volvo FH 2009 8x4 v1.0 for ETS 2

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