Schmitz 2ft 3Axeopentop Container
(Updated 01.08.2016)
with 10 Different Skins
(add to MSC Skin)
z3d_base by Tony1971
modivizert by SchuLLis Mod Garage
Standalone Trailer with 2 Cargo
Cargo : Schmitz 2ft 3axle OpenTop 15 Ton
Cargo : Schmitz 2ft 3axle OpenTop Leer 15 ton (fix by comming v1.3)
Changelog in version 1.2:
ETS2 1.24.xx + DLC Scandinavia
*advanced coupling
– Skins 20ft Reefer, 20ftOpentop 20ft_Box by TSM Team
– 20ft Opentop / Base Container: by EED123 / Opentop version: Mr_Zer
– Heck Details by SchuLLi