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Improved truck physics v 2.1 [1.26.x] 0

| 4-12-2016, 18:55 | 1 559
Improved truck physics v 2.1 [1.26.x]
Category - ETS 2 other mods
Version game - 1.26.x
Credits: -

Improved truck physics v2.1 for Ets2 1.26.x game version

This Mod aimed at the players, who want more difficult and life like physics in ETS2.

It adds lots of changes to almost parameters, related to truck and driver behavior.

Mod is suitable for keyboard/gamepad/steering wheel drivers.


Features list for actual version 2.1
1.Corrected to more real life values such parameters as: max. brake temperature, brakes heating/cooling rates and cabin/wheel masses;
2.More realistic fifth wheel: added fifth wheel roll angle;
3.Changed brake efficiency: less overall effectiveness and less effectiveness at low speed (but higher upper margin of "low speed").

Increased max. brakes temperature, increased warm up/cool down rates;
4.Decreased retarder effectiveness;
5.Increased chassis front and, in some cases, rear suspension travel values for vanilla trucks and trucks from "supported trucks" list;
6.Decreased truck responsitiveness. More feel of a truck mass - less acceleration, harder to brake with and without load,

more air and rotational wheel resistance;
7.Increased clutch strength for more realistic clutch-transmission behavior;
8.Decreased tire friction parameters and increased wheel slip factors - brake path now is longer and at some conditions

(muddy, wet road etc) you can loose control on truck or experience wheel slip;
9.Reworked cabin and chassis suspension behavior - during various truck maneuvers truck front less static now;
10.Reworked driver behavior - during truck maneuvers, he`s more prone to move

front\backward\side to side (but not that much, like in previous mod version);
11.Increased flywheel resistance - RPM drops faster, when not in gear;
12.Decreased engine compression - truck loses speed more quicker, when no throttle is given;
13.Increased transmission resistance - more losses in transmission;
14.Improved Cabin Accessories DLC physics for toys and curtains;
15.Added wear factor not only for engine, transmission and wheels, but also for cabin and chassis;
16.Changed damage coefficients: less truck to trailer damage, but overall damage-per-hit was increased;
17.Added custom chassis files for trucks and trailer chassis from BDF Tandem Truck Pack mod by FlemmingV

and various Tandem truck packs by Capital logistics, for better tandem and tandem truck physics behavior;
18.Added custom chasis files for all vanilla and Jazzycat trailers (Trailer and cargo packs) for better behavior of trailers;
19.Added 3 new windshield wiper modes for all trucks (4 modes for some trucks);
20.And other changes...

Changelog for actual ver. 2.1
-fixed some errors in definition files;
-updated trucks, tandems and trailers chassis files;
-added one more windshield wiper mode (four modes total);
-a bit more move of driver body during driving;
-improved front and rear truck chassis suspension behavior;
-completely removed trailer stabilization;
-increased rear suspension travel value;
-decreased tires friction;
-decreased fifth wheel roll angle;
-added support for:
DANZ MB Antos/MADster MAN TGS E6/MrCapital MB Actros MP3/Shoofer Group Iveco Strator
-dropped support for:
50keda Scania R2008/Carls1309 Scania Illegal/Satan19990 Scania4/Alexander Sertakov DAF 95

Compatible game versions:
Mod should work well on 1.25-1.26 game versions.


Optimal controls and gameplay settings to start with (works for keyboard and gamepad users).

Steering wheel owners should setup controls the way they prefer

Supported trucks! (for the actual ver. 2.1)
Mod support all trucks, but full support (which means tweaked chassis files) available for these trucks:
All 13 trucks from vanilla game version;
DAF XF E6/Volvo FH16 `09/Volvo FH16 `12 by Ohaha;
MB1639/Scania 143M/Ural 43202/FSC Star 200 by Ekualizer;
MB Actros `14 by DavidZoli;
MB Arocs by WTD;
MB Actros MP3 by MrCapital;
Volvo FH16 `12/FH16 `09 by Pendragon;
Volvo FH16 `12 by Eugene;
Scania R/S/T, R/S/T 4-series and SISU by RJL;
Scania P/G by GT-Mike;
Scania 1 series and Iveco Strator by Shoofer group;
Volvo VNL670 by Aradeth;
Volvo VNL780 by Franck_Br;
MB Antos by DANZ;
KAMAZ 5460 by Koral;
MAZ 6422 by JAWA;
MAZ 5440 by IL86.

Renault Magnum by Knox_xss and my DAF XF 105 (Improved DAF XF 105 mod) are also fully supported

and don`t require any special tweaking, because they have required values in their chassis files.

Enable these two truck mods with higher priority, than this physics mod!
Other trucks not from the list above can be adapted manually (see section "truck mod adaptation")

How to install this mod properly for ver.2.1:
1. Extract all files from downloaded rar-archive to some temp folder;
2. Copy BASE.scs to MOD folder;
3. Based on your requirements, copy required truck/tandem/trailer mod files to MOD folder;
4.Open in-game mod manager and enable all copied mods (refer to "correct mod installation" chapter for proper physics mod installation);
Main mod file (BASE.scs from "Base" folder) can be installed with any priority, but it is always better to install

it with top priority, to make sure other mods are not interfere with it.
Mod files for trucks mods, tandems mods and trailers mods (from "Others" folder) must be

ALWAYS installed with HIGHER priority, than mods they are suitable/intended for.


Also, SCS Software, all authors of modded trucks, tandems and trailers, which are fully supported by this mod.

Big thanks to natvander for his tips and hints too!

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Improved truck physics v 2.1 [1.26.x]

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