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Signs on your Truck v1.0.0 by tobrago 0

| 20-01-2017, 22:43 | 1 269
Signs on your Truck v1.0.0 by tobrago
Category - ETS 2 other mods
Version game - 1.26.x
Credits: -

Greeat Signs Pack for Trucks v1.0.0 for Ets2 1.26 game version


The signs look good for many imaging of your favorite trucks.

Schedule signs on trucks are set like real life.
There is a possibility that bothers Mighty Griffin DLC, but then you do not

have to set the signs, it is our choice what you want.



This mode is represented by over 236 signs marking trucks.

Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III

/ V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. And many others.

These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term

used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3.

The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate

for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

A* = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

K* = required in Germany for vehicles making use of exceptions to the Motor Tax Law.

R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid

/ 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With

High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute

/ 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens /

33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten /

80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More

Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide /

90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials /

Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material /

Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin

Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material

/ Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. And many others.

These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

For more information about ADR.

Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120. The combination of red white and yellow red.

These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus /

Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island /

Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands /

Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia / Slovenia / Spain / Switzerland / Turkey /

United Kingdom. These symbols are located at the rear of the truck cabin.



Not work for trucks RJL and OHAHA.


New Change in v1.0.0:
- Resolved issue with OpenGL for trucks Mercedes Actros 2014 & Scania R Cab 2009.
- Complete mod made in Blender tool.

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Signs on your Truck v1.0.0 by tobrago Signs on your Truck v1.0.0 by tobrago

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