Heavy Realistic Physics v2.0 SCANIA RJL for Ets2 game
Sophisticated physics for realistic lovers, 50% of the reworked Physics Advanced Techkilla.
Not for the riders. To this physics you will feel all the charm of a heavy management, multi-ton trucks.
You will learn to observe the speed limit and you will really need it, because
at high speed is very high risk that your truck is on its side.
New Changes in this version:
- Added full support for all chassis Scania's the Streamline the R Modifications v2.1 by RJL ,
the MAN the TGA , the MAN Euro 6, the TGS MADster by ;
- Corrected the amplitude of the cabin swinging.
- Fixed an issue with sticking out from under the wheels of the wings on the chassis with lifting axle.
This physics supports all default tractors , as well as all of the above, and trucks from the previous versions.