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North West Texas a 4X Map v1.1 for FS 17 0

| 29-04-2017, 14:21 | 1 780
North West Texas a 4X Map v1.1 for FS 17
Category - Maps FS 17
Version game - 1.4.2, 1.4.4
Credits: -

North West Texas a 4X Map v1.1 for Farming Simulator 17 game.


Map Quick Facts:
Is this map perfect? No, although I have pushed to reach the best quality possible with my knowledge and help from others.
Style of map? Based off North West Texas just outside of Childress, Tx(American style).
Number of fields? 35.
What field sizes? Fields range from roughly 2 ha to 74 ha.
Are the fields square? Some, others are stair stepped or have angles.
Does the map have hills? Yes. Rolling hills, some of which can be a bit steep.
What size is the map? It is a 4X map.
Generally how is the farm or farms arranged? One main farm with plenty of storage and silos off the main highway.
Cows in the map? Yes.
Sheep in the map? Yes.
Pigs in the map? Yes.
Chickens in the map? Yes.
Forestry in the map? No, but feel free to cut trees if you really want to.
Drivable train? No, although there is a track so maybe in the future.
Milk sale? Yes, already in map.
Chopped straw map? Yes.
Do the fields have missions? Yes, single player will have missions available.
Traffic? Yes, but only on the highway. And I'll warn you, highway traffic travels at its correct speed.


Changes in v1.1:

- unknown changes

Other Facts:
-Ground markers are limited.
-Cow zone has many static items in order to achieve a certain look and feel of a large cattle operation. All feeding and bedding are done in the main feeding hall.
-Several sell points around the map.
-The map design is intended to allow a wide variety of play styles. From the single player who likes hired hands and arcade type play to the real life simulator who manual drives combines, and even the dedicated server with a team of people playing at once.

Credits included in zip file.

Have a question, suggestion or something to contribute to the map? Please check out the support post!


Tested on game version 1.4.2, 1.4.4


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North West Texas a 4X Map v1.1 for FS 17 North West Texas a 4X Map v1.1 for FS 17 North West Texas a 4X Map v1.1 for FS 17

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