Download Simulator Mods » Euro Truck Simulator 2 » ETS 2 other mods » Real World Vehicle Lights v1.0 [1.28.x]

Real World Vehicle Lights v1.0 [1.28.x] 0

| 28-09-2017, 10:50 | 1 287
Real World Vehicle Lights v1.0 [1.28.x]
Category - ETS 2 other mods
Version game - 1.28.x
Credits: -
Real World Vehicle Lights v1.0 for Ets2 1.28.x game version

*Ever wondered why vehicle headlights barely light anything up?
*Ever realised that reverse lights are supposed to illuminate objects to the rear as headlights do at the front?
*Ever thought that vehicle lights in general are flat and lack-lustre by default?
*Ever driven a real vehicle and seen how bright the light flares of oncoming vehicles are through a real windscreen?
*Ever seen large numbers of vehicles together creating a large bloom of light in an area?
*This mod is the answer to all your head-scratching moments because it fixes ALL of these things!
*Prepare to be dazzled, prepare for nighttime driving to be a true representation of reality!

What the mod DOES:
-Add environment effects for all AI vehicle lights.
-Add effects for all standard player vehicle (and trailer) lights.

What the mod does NOT do:
-Change the main front headlights and beams of player trucks because there are already many mods that do this; take your pick.
-Change other environment lights such as toll booths, buildings et cetera, though certain items could be added by request.
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Real World Vehicle Lights v1.0 [1.28.x] Real World Vehicle Lights v1.0 [1.28.x] Real World Vehicle Lights v1.0 [1.28.x]

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