DAF XF Paccar MX sound mod for Ets2 1.34.x game version
This is a final version of it and I will only update it when necessary,
please no requests to make it compatible or something else, thanks.
New update 18.04.2019:
- Added DAF XF 95 ATI by XBS
Thanks to:
Basic sounds by SCS
Engine voice records Vasily EVR
Sounds by Kriechbaum
Sounds by Commandore one
Compatible trucks are the SCS regular DAF models and the 50K DAF XF and
every DAF who use the regular SCS DAF sounds like the DAF by Vadik.
Please respect the authors work and don't re-upload to other hosting websites,
Please respect the authors work and don't re-upload to other hosting websites,
keep the original download link, thank you.