Download mod SavrenX HD Vanilla Armor v1.0 for Fallout 4 game.
Enhance all Vanilla Armor to highest quality with smallest size.
I adjusted every armor textures one by one. Every single item in Armor folder edited. Including Googles, Helmet, Gas mask, ect.
All textures max 2k. I realized metal armor, raider armor, ect will spawn quite many in game ( raider or gunner ). So no 4k. But this is more than enough for gameplay and screenshooter quality. You can see the quality in my screenshoots
This textures saved in variant format to make sure we get smallest size with highest quality possible for gameplay.
But enough read my description. Better you see my screenshoots, compare the quality VS File size. You will see my goal about File size = Quality.
Not Size bigger than Quality.
Credit to Bethesda gave us HD DLC as good source. Modder can make many good stuff from it. Like it or not we need that HD DLC pack to make good mod from it.