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SavrenX HD Settlement and Clutters v1.0 for Fallout 4 0

| 28-08-2019, 23:12 | 1 424
SavrenX HD Settlement and Clutters v1.0 for Fallout 4
Category - Fallout 4
Version game - Fallout 4
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Download mod SavrenX HD Settlement and Clutters v1.0 for Fallout 4 game.

Enhance visual quality of all settlement equipments and Clutters.

Almost 4000 textures enhanced for fallout 4. All items in SetDressing folder enhanced and optimized.

What inside SetDressing folder ? All items that not part of building ( roof, walls..ect ) and landscape ( rocks..trees...ect ) considered SetDressing or we can call it Clutters. 

Bed, Flag,Cyropod, lamp, table, chair, fences, signs, computer, console kit, machinery, generator, junk, rubble, workbenches, Boat, ect included in setdressing. All enhanced and optimized. If you combine this with my Props and Junk, it means almost 70 percent clutter items enhanced in fallout 4.

I adjusted specular, normal, diffuse differently for each material. Because material such metal, plastic, ect require different characteristic. 

Why 4gb ? Well..HD DLC folder SetDressing almost 15GB. Compressed to BA2 maybe become 12-13gb. Want to use that ? Go ahead. Lol. Actually Vanilla setdressing more than 3gb too. 

In this pack i save normal map different from my other pack. Because clutters in this pack mostly Big. If i compress normal map too heavy, you will see bad reflection for glossy material such Table, Mirror, Steel, ect. You won't like it. My point is Give best for most important stuff. This pack very critical to our fallout visual and settlement...don't ruin it only to get more space less than 500mb. Not worth. I tried every combination and this is the best for me ( compromised size and quality ).

This pack will act as your base as HD DLC replacer for SetDressing Vanilla. No dlc for now. If you want other custom from other author, just overwrite this pack as usual. 

Check my galleries for more screenshoots. The goal from this pack is...we can enjoy visual quality " More than enough " without waste memory and space. Because this is 2K mixed with 1k for some items, maybe you won't see all items like HD. But i can make sure the Blurry one from this pack...still give you more definition than hd dlc.

Credit to Bethesda

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SavrenX HD Settlement and Clutters v1.0 for Fallout 4 SavrenX HD Settlement and Clutters v1.0 for Fallout 4 SavrenX HD Settlement and Clutters v1.0 for Fallout 4

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