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"Clear Sky" NOHDR weather mod by Piva 0

| 14-08-2019, 17:47 | 534
"Clear Sky" NOHDR weather mod by Piva
Category - ETS 2 other mods
Version game - 1.35.x
Credits: -
"Clear Sky" NOHDR weather mod for Euro Truck Simulator 2 1.35.x game version

This is "small" weather mod. 
I created it more than year ago, and think that I can use it couple of weeks, 
but more than year passed and I still use it.  
- One day texture 
- One night with stars and moon
- One rain with overcast texture (one is from photo)
- One sunrise/sunset

All textures are self painted (except one overcast texture), 
I understand that I not a "cool designer", but this enough for me.  

PROMods climates supported just by climate names only (not a temperature). 
I just share my mod and don't want update it. Anyone can improve this mod without my permission if he/she want update it.
Special Reshade/SweetFX not required, but you can use it.
Some artifacts can occur in OpenGL mode, because night texture do not have "mipmaps" (tobj too)
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"Clear Sky" NOHDR weather mod by Piva "Clear Sky" NOHDR weather mod by Piva "Clear Sky" NOHDR weather mod by Piva

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