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Simple Trainer Mod v16.8 for GTA 5 0

| 8-01-2025, 08:19 | 8 744
Simple Trainer Mod v16.8 for GTA 5
Category - GTA V other mods
Version game - v1.60+
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Last edited by: Zagruzka - 8-01-2025, 08:19
Reason: Mod Updated to v16.8
Simple Trainer GTA V - various options normal to any trainer, the world's simplest speedometer, either in KM/H or MP/H or both, 60 Teleporting options that can be customized using the trainerv.ini, 12 vehicle spawning options assigned to hotkeys, which also can be customized using trainer.ini, all other car models can be spawned by using the menu. you can force a default station in each vehicle you enter, or when using the mobile radio, both configurable in game and using the trainer.ini You can change your player model using the menu. Simple Trainer is a mod menu for GTA V that allows players to spawn vehicles, change the weather, teleport to different locations, and more. It also lets players customize their characters' appearance and weapons, as well as modify vehicle handling and speed.

Features Simple Trainer:
- The world's simplest speedometer in KM / H or MIL / H, or both;    
- 60 teleportation options that can be configured using trainerv.ini;
- 12 hotkey spawn options that are also configurable in trainerv.ini;
- all other car models can be called up using the menu;
- You can assign a default radio station when you get into the car;
- You can change your player model using the menu;

Changes in v16.8:
- Bug Fix: Resolved an issue with the Arena Garage's new interior.
- New Garages: Added Tuner Garages (5 garages, 10 cars each) and Nightclub Garages (5 floors, 10 cars each, 10 nightclubs), totaling 778 parking slots per character.
- Interior Settings: Customizable interiors for nightclubs and garages.
- Elevators: Working elevators connecting nightclubs, garages, and exits.
- Garage Slots Display: Shows available parking slots per floor upon entering the garage.
- Radios: Added radios in Arena, Nightclub, and Casino garages.
- Vehicle Options: Option to exit garages without driving to the door.
- Blips and Markers: Added blips for various garages and markers for entrances.
- Livery Menu: Improved livery menu to scroll through all valid liveries.

Tested on game version v1.60+
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Simple Trainer Mod v16.8 for GTA 5 Simple Trainer Mod v16.8 for GTA 5 Simple Trainer Mod v16.8 for GTA 5 Simple Trainer Mod v16.8 for GTA 5

Changes in v16.4:
- small fixes in clothes menu.
- added garage system in Agencies, each garage holds 25 vehicles. Each Pedmodel has it's own garage. Just enter with a vehicle, and that vehicle will be placed on the first available slot and saved, until all 25 slots are used up. If the garage is full, you will need to delete one vehicle if you want to enter with a vehicle (unless you exited with that same vehicle). When you drive out a parked vehicle, the vehicle is not removed and will be there when you return. You have the ability to delete or modify the vehicle when parked, there is also a management system that will allow you to delete or modify the vehicle or move the vehicle to any available slot.  
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Changes in v16.3:
- The problem with gen9 console exclusive clothes has been solved, you can now select all clothes, and the navigation will go through. Of course, the gen9 clothes cannot be applied, as they are not on PC.
- Added text labels for the MP_M and MP_F freemode models in clothing menu.
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Changes in v15.9:
- added new color to MPsum2 warehouse.
- updated to latest patch for recording UI.
- added 21 Vehicles.
- added 14 Vehicle crew Emblems.
- added 15 peds to MP Ch3 + MP 2023 + MP 2024
- added 1 weapon and 1 attachment for the Stun gun MP.
- added 3 teleports in other teleports, MP202401 teleports
- added 544 objects to objects 62.
- added 2119 animations to Animations MP xmas3/MP2023/2024.
- added 9 cutscenes.
- added 5 timcecycles.
- added 32 voices and 1513 speeches.
- added 2 walkstyles
- added support for latest FiveM version 
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Changes in v15.7:
- fixed issue with weapon attachments in bodyguard menu.
- fixed issue with snow at game start.
- added cargoship and inside cargo ship at mp202302 teleports.
- added 23 timecycles.
- added 22 voices and 2955 speeches.
- added 32 tattoos, 1 hair for both female and male MP character.
- ability to customize the Salvage Yard and control radio.
- various other small fixes.
- ability to set color for projector in the two nightclubs, or use random color. 
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Changes in v15.5:
- working elevators in Offices. The first elevator on the left from the office door will open. Ability to go roof, outside, the garages and the mod shop.
- working vehicle elevators in office garages. Not meant to store vehicles. You can simply drive into the elevator and go to each of the garages.
- added a few couches in the Office Garages.
- opened door for MC lost clubhouse near casino, so you can enter interior with MP maps enabled.
- Music Only, if you are tired of the endless banter on the radio, enable this via vehicle options menu.
- new shortcut for loadweapons, RCTRL+W will load weapon slot 1. (WeaponKey1=163 and WeaponKey2=87 in Ini)
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Changes in v15.3:
- ability to disable changing of clothes when showering, add ShowerClothes=0 in default section of ini, if you do not want clothes to be changed when showering.
 - fixed issue with MP peds and player peds when changing of clothes for showering.
- added two more sleep anims, I cycle trough all three of them.
- fixed height issue with the couches for some female peds. 
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Changes in v14.6:
- small change for MP Map.
- fixed autodetect for despawn global.
- fixed recording UI global.
- added 17 Vehicles.
- added 14 Vehicles crew emblems.
- re-added ability to fully tune six vehicles, Banshee, Brioso, Deveste, Hakuchou2, Sentinel, Turismo2.
- added 27 Peds (Mp Christmas Peds).
- added 4 Weapons.
- added weapons components for new weapons and for old weapons (MicroSG, Pistol MK2, Pumpshotgun, Baseballbat and Knife).
- updated drive-by weapons.
- added 8 Teleport loations, other teleports, MP Christmas3 Teleports.
- added 598 objects, Objects62.
- added 19803 Animations, Animations MP Christmas3.
- added 10 Cutscenes.
- added 1 Walk Style.
- added 21 Time Cycles.
- added 17 Voices and 1381 Speeches.
- added 1 Hair, 2 T-shirts and 52 Tattoos both male/female. 
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Changes in v14.1:
- Sometimes the new radio station does not work on emitters, just enter the enable stations from Radio Wheel, and that will be fixed on the fly.
- Added compatbility for FiveM 2545.
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Changes in v14.0:
- Added 4000 teleports slots for saving/loading, in Teleports and Save Teleports menus, called Additional Teleport Slots Menu. A total of 4000 slots, in 20 sections, so 200 slots per section.
- Fixed the TV's in Agency Bedroom.
- Enabling the Radio in player Office will also enable a radio in Franklin's Office.
- Added Chairs in Franklin's Office, The Player Office, The conference Room and in the Armory.
- Ability to Open or Close the Office Safe.
- Fixed issues with Weapon Attachments being wrong for some weapons.
- Fixed issues with Weapon Color not working correctly for MK2 weapons for Bodyguards.
- Added 3 drive-by weapons.
- Fixed crash in Weapon select menus.
- Various small fixes.
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Changes in v13.4:
- -added version checks for new natives, yes people if you are not running the latest version, some stuff won't work.
- added Track Wheel Category.
- added the Arcade race in Tuner Garage.
- the Media player now works, it will play one tracklist by default, to change to other tracklist, vehicle options Set Media Player Playlist.  
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Changes in v13.2:
- added 500 more saved car slots, a total of 1000 now. 
- the saved car is now displayed at all times for slots in the vehcicle load/save menu.
- added 520 additional slots for license plates, a total of 600 add-on license plates are now possible, before just 80. 
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Changes in v13.1:
- fixed missing attachments for the Cayo Perico weapons if load all weapons, or save/load weapons from weaponslot was used
- changed the TV, the audio is now not frontend but relative to where the tv is located.
- Fixed an issue where the aircraft carrier interiors were not working, when LS/Cayo was enabled.
- fixed the interior maps for the aircraft carrier (still needs reveal fort Zancudo on map option).
- disable Cayo when you teleport to North Yankton, so that traffic in NY works, will automatically be re-enabled if you leave NY.  
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Changes in v12.8:
- some fixes for tv, I now run some code the first time you enable the TV.
- apart from the two normal channels, the third channel will now let you swap through 115 playlists, use Phone UP/Down (arrow UP/Down).
- because of the above, you now can chose the same playlists in the Casino, the Arena, the Arcade
and you can use the big screen in the faciltiy as a Tv. The yacht tv's also have this ability.
- added cinema teleports in other teleports, you can use the cinemascreen as a tv.
- the vehicle despawn global will now be autodetected (thanks to drp4lyf, alloc8or and ikt !) 
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Changes in v12.7:
- fixed issue with LS lights due to LS/Island coexistence.
- added ability to enable/disable the anti aircraft stations
- added ability to enabe/disable the sea mines
- added ability to open/close the hangar doors, all three for the island, all three will be saved.  

Changes in v12.0:
- added 2816 objects, Object list 3, objects 59, you can of course also use search.
- added 25.776 animations.
- added 24 voices and 3472 speeches.
- added 33 tattoos and 67 t-shirts.
- added 43 Timecycles.
- added 6 walkingstyles.
- added some stuff on the island (whale, sea-mines, etc).
- added option Cayo Perico toggle, this will not teleport you to the island, but will enable the island (and disable Los Santos),
of course you can disable the island which will enable Los Santos.
- added rotating lights, ceiling lights, the screen and dry ice in the new night club.
- prevented animals and cs/csb models from being included in random bodyguard spawns.  

Changes in v11.6:
- added new tuning category Louvers/Snorkels in vehicle mod menu (Benny).
- changed Nitro again, to be more like how it worked before, it is still not perfect, but it will have to do for now,
you engage with pressing x (not holding) and disengage by pressing x again or when it runs out. Sound is back.
- ability to enter space and - when entering ped names....
- No Trains, will be saved to ini
- Alternative no cars, put nocars2=1 in defaults section of trainerv.ini, you still need to enable no cars in game.
- removed the MP summer teleport page, as the yacht has been added to the yacht teleports as the 37th yacht, full support, just like the other yachts.  
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Changes in v11.5:
- changed Nitro to have boost. The nitro works a little different, you hold X and as long as you hold it Nitro will work, release and it stops.
- added new wheel category (Street Wheels).
- added 13 vehicle emblems.
- added 552 objects.
- added 2 Arcade machines.
- added 2 trophies in Arcarde.
- added 35x2 T-shirts.
- added 2 Voices and 186 Speeches.
- added 110 animations.
- added 7 Timecycles.  
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Changes in v11.4:
- added 15 vehicles
- added one teleport
- adjusted for latest patch 
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