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Drive V (Realistic Driving, Handling, Damage) v7.2 for GTA 5 0

| 6-02-2025, 21:17 | 1 333
Drive V (Realistic Driving, Handling, Damage) v7.2 for GTA 5
Category - GTA V other mods
Version game - v1.60+
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Last edited by: Zagruzka - 6-02-2025, 21:17
Reason: Mod Updated to v7.2
Drive V GTA 5 - is the result of 5 years and over 2,000 hours of learning the physics system and testing in order to create a realistic and fun experience. Every vehicle is unique (even some variants that originally shared the same handling line) and has had careful attention to every single dynamic attribute. The most critical change I felt was needed was the Z-axis rotation, which is what made the vanilla cars feel so darty with every flick of the wheel.

Features Drive V:
- No more snapping onto curbs
- Vehicle cabin deformation enabled
- Level of deformation similar to IV
- More body roll
- Downforce disabled from all but supercars
- Scaled top speeds
- Re-worked off-road surfaces
- Lots of customized vehicles added to spawn points
- Lots of new colors based on real life counterparts 

Changes in v7.2:
Support for Agents of Sabotage DLC. 
- Fixed police vehicles with broken sirens. 
- Zentorno chassis collision disabled. 
- New color palettes based on real finishes for Firebolt, Banshee GTS, Coquette D5, Chavos & Uranus.  

Tested on game version v1.60+
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Drive V (Realistic Driving, Handling, Damage) v7.2 for GTA 5 Drive V (Realistic Driving, Handling, Damage) v7.2 for GTA 5 Drive V (Realistic Driving, Handling, Damage) v7.2 for GTA 5 Drive V (Realistic Driving, Handling, Damage) v7.2 for GTA 5

Changes in v7.12:
- Added support for Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC. Realistic top speeds and recalculated engine power values are now fully supported. 
- New optional AI driving improvements. 
- Increased collision damage (body parts fall off easier). 
- New cars with real life color palettes: Coquette D1, Dominator FX, Euros X32, Vorschlaghammer and Yosemite 1500. 
- New colors for Dominator GTX, Club, Slamvan, Fagaloa, Kanjo, Yosemite, Vivanite, Fusilade, Stratum, Hauler, Ingot, Monroe, Penumbra FF, Rapid GT Classic, Sultan, Serrano, Surano, Tailgater, Guardian, Tow Truck and Speedo.
- New customized vehicles added to spawn points, including versions of Dominator FX to replicate 1979 Cobra, 1983 GT, SVO, 1987 ASC/McLaren and 1980 McLaren Mustang, as well as Dorado and Dominator FX highway patrol vehicles.
- Handling edits to Sentinel and Sentinel XS to better differentiate the two, handling improvements to V-STR and all large trucks/semis have improved turning radius. New engine sound for Cheburek. 
- Artificial burnouts have been removed entirely.  
 Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v6.9:
- Added support for Mercenaries DLC. New colors for MonstroCiti, Walton L35 and Bufflao EVX. 
- About 80 percent of all cars have now been converted to realistic top speeds. 
- New colors for Z Type, Riata, Tulip M-100, Comet Safari, Glendale and Pigalle. 
- Adjustments made to Stanier, Cavalcade, Greenwood, Voltic, Schafter, Sentinel, Ruiner, Lurcher and Surge. Added "crushes other vehicles" flag to monster trucks. It's not a huge difference, but it increases damage when you run over another vehicle. 
- Note: Rockstar disabled deformation on the Walton L35 somehow and I cannot find any way to enable it.   
 Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v6.7:
- Support for Criminal Enterprises DLC added with new finishes for Kanjo SJ, Postlude, Greenwood, Ruiner ZZ-8 and Picador, copying real life counterparts' finish options. 
- Traction control disabled on bikes, enabling wheelspin and oversteer. 
- Recommended InversePower settings have been updated, and now oversteer is more easily controllable (this is a big improvement!). 
- New customized cars that will spawn around the map. 
- Large truck and semi turning radii have been tightened (thanks for the feedback!). 
- Muscle car wheelspin somewhat reduced. 
 Download #1 | Download #2

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