Download Simulator Mods » Fallout 4 » Dragunov Sniper Rifle SVD v1.3 for Fallout 4

Dragunov Sniper Rifle SVD v1.3 for Fallout 4 0

| 1-01-2025, 20:25 | 113
Dragunov Sniper Rifle SVD v1.3 for Fallout 4
Category - Fallout 4
Version game - v1.10.163+
Credits: -
Dragunov Sniper Rifle SVD -  introduces a detailed and functional version of the iconic Soviet semi-automatic sniper rifle. The mod includes custom sounds for firing, animations for both first-person and third-person views, enhancing the immersive experience.

Features Dragunov Sniper Rifle SVD:
- Custom sounds and animations;
- Leveled list integration;
- Design and variants;
- Uses its own ammo 7.62x54R
- Animations for 1st and 3rd person

Tested on game version v1.10.163+
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Dragunov Sniper Rifle SVD v1.3 for Fallout 4 Dragunov Sniper Rifle SVD v1.3 for Fallout 4 Dragunov Sniper Rifle SVD v1.3 for Fallout 4 Dragunov Sniper Rifle SVD v1.3 for Fallout 4
Changes in v1.3:
- maybe fixed sts sights                          
- small rebalance (thanks Captainoob for his showcase)

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