Download Simulator Mods » Farming Simulator 17 » Other mods FS 17 » Förderband Grimme AL8022 Quantum Autoload v1.0.0.6 for Fs17

Förderband Grimme AL8022 Quantum Autoload v1.0.0.6 for Fs17 0

| 13-12-2016, 10:09 | 2 374
Förderband Grimme AL8022 Quantum Autoload v1.0.0.6 for Fs17
Category - Other mods FS 17
Version game - 1.3.x
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Förderband Grimme AL8022 Quantum Autoload v1.0.0.6 for Farming Simulator 2017

Note from the Author:

Rebuilt Grimme conveyor with Autoload function, it will not need any other tape an important feature

is it can easily overload the heap of the factory script. No forwards / backwards necessary as with the Lizardband.

This mod is not a big thing but nevertheless useful for one or the other.


New version

- Reset of the tape fixed when loading the game (arm was placed in the starting position was the SupportAnimation)
- Transport mode built-in is activated in the band itself, it can be that the Infotext is not displayed correctly, can not be corrected.

- Loss fixed (loss is now as with the standard bands)
- Superfluous Attacher removed (Front coupling for Lizard Band) Note!
- Working lights added, working light on the band can also be moved (New)
- Round luminaire installed (new)
- when the tractor is being coupled to a tractor, the belt is lifted slightly, preventing it from grinding at the bottom of the belt during downhill runs (new)
- small adjustment of the hydraulic sound


Important NOTE:
By removing the unnecessary attacher, it is necessary to sell the old tape beforehand or to edit the vehicle.xml,

simply remove the entry with the attacherJointCombos at the conveyor belt. This entry of attacherJointCombos

prevents your savegame from being loaded with the following error message: Error: Running LUA method

'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'. DataS / scripts / vehicles / specializations / Drivable.lua (155): compile to indexField

'attacherJointCombos' (a nil value)

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Förderband Grimme AL8022 Quantum Autoload v1.0.0.6 for Fs17

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