Download Simulator Mods » Euro Truck Simulator 2 » ETS 2 maps » Romania Extended Map v1.7 by Arayas [1.31.x]

Romania Extended Map v1.7 by Arayas [1.31.x] 0

Author: | 22-07-2018, 19:56 | Views: 1 361
Romania Extended Map v1.7 by Arayas [1.31.x]
Category - ETS 2 maps
Version game - 1.31.x
Credits: -
ROMANIA EXTENDED MAP v.1.7 for Ets2 1.31.x game version

ALL MAP DLC NEEDED. You need all 4 map DLC: East, Scandinavia, France and Italy.

New Version 1.7:
General log:
-new traffic signs - special romanian and serbian characters and cyrillic for Bulgaria - all signs

-cyrillic names for Bulgarian cities 

-removed tobj and npot errors, 100% clean log (if you have errors check other maps)

-reworked textures on some materials

-eliminated 50km/h speed limit on two signs (radar and rovigneta)

-as usual, many updates in main map materials, landmarks etc.

-city of Ribnita (Rep.Moldova) and connection to Chisinau

-NEW road and ferry connections for both versions

Premium add-on log:
-The city of Tiraspol (Rep.Moldova) and Odesa (Ukraine) 

-ferry connection from Odesa

-new company for Chisinau (out of the city)

-bad road textures in some places (warning - you can be thrown of the road at high speed!)

-more than 1000km in road connections between Chisinau, Odesa, Tiraspol and Galati.

-new border points between Romania, Rep.Moldova and Ukraine.

No new profile needed, finish your delivery.

Respect the loading order from video from SUPPORT page
First load can be long, after that it load in just few seconds (see this in the video)


Noua versiune 1.7:
log general:
-semne de circulaţie noi – diacritice şi litere speciale sârbeşti şi caractere chirilice pentru Bulgaria.
-nume chirilice pentru oraşele bulgăreşti
-au fost înlăturate toate erorile tobj şi npot, log curat 100% (dacă aveţi erori e din cauza altor hărţi).
-texturi refăcute pentru câteva materiale.
-s-a eliminat limita de viteză de 50/h impusă eronat de două indicatoare neutre (radar şi rovignetă)
-ca de obicei, s-au mai adus îmbunătăţiri hărţii principale
-oraşul Rîbniţa (Rep.Moldova) şi legătura de drum cu Chişinău.
-conexiuni noi de drum sau feribot pentru ambele versiuni
log premium add-on:
-Oraşele Tiraspol (Rep.Moldova) şi Odesa (Ukraina)
-conexiune feribot de la Odesa
-companie nouă pentru Chişinău (în afara oraşului)
-texturi de drum accidentat pe unele segmente (atenţie – la viteze mari poţi fi aruncat de pe drum!)
-peste 1000km de drum nou ce leagă oraşele Chişinău, Odesa, Tiraspol şi Galaţi.
-puncte de frontieră noi între România, Rep.Moldova şi Ukraina.
-nu trebuie profil nou, doar se reface cache-ul la prima încărcare.

Problems? Questions?
We have support page and a mail for this

-Todor Alin for materials and support
-Jazzycat for some romanian car models
-FLD for map materials
-Rusmap for adboard files.
-Elyxir for his materials from older Romania map
-Satan 19990 for some of materials
-Bluetruck for his Blue materials
-Stefan 1994
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Romania Extended Map v1.7 by Arayas [1.31.x] Romania Extended Map v1.7 by Arayas [1.31.x] Romania Extended Map v1.7 by Arayas [1.31.x]

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