Gang and Turf GTA 5 - this mod tries to create a gang and turf system similar to that of Gta San Andreas. With it, you are able to control a gang with a name and members of your choice, take over territories of San Andreas and fight against other gangs for the control of those territories. Control of zones of the world provides constant income. The mod provides players with the ability to recruit AI-controlled gang members, establish their own gang, and expand their influence throughout the game map. Players can recruit members from various locations, train them, and assign them specific roles within the gang, such as enforcers, shooters, or drivers. Each gang member contributes to the overall strength and capabilities of the player's gang.
Features Gang and Turf Mod:
Gang Management: In the Gang and Turf Mod, players have the ability to recruit gang members, assign them different roles, and manage their behavior and activities.
Turf Wars: Players can fight for control of different territories within the game world, engaging in turf wars with rival gangs to expand their influence and power.
Gang Upgrades: Players can invest in upgrading their gang's weapons, vehicles, and other resources to strengthen their gang and improve their chances of success in turf wars.
Gang Activities: Players can carry out various activities within their gang, such as drug trafficking, robbery, and other criminal acts to earn money and increase their gang's influence.
Customization: Players can customize their gang's appearance, including their clothing, vehicles, and even their hideout to reflect their own style and preferences.
Multiplayer Support: The Gang and Turf Mod features multiplayer support, allowing players to team up with friends and engage in turf wars and other activities together.
Realistic Gang Behavior: The mod aims to provide a realistic representation of gang behavior, including rivalries, alliances, and other dynamics that players must navigate to succeed in the game.
Changes in v2.1:
- Now using scripthookvdotnet nightly! This means new weapons have been added. Reset your weapons list to see them (there's an option in the B menu, mod options submenu) - Added editing of other gangs via the B menu (delete/create gangs, edit their weapons and colors, change the player gang to another existing gang) - Add "soft" per-gang vehicle limits - Tweaked destinations in zero-CP wars (attempt at making the sides push in opposite directions) - Only allow human members to do idle anims - Fix no war spawns if one side has no registered members/vehicles - Some driver AI tweaks
Default basic Controls: - B - Open mod options/gang options and upgrades menu - Shift + B - Open contextual registration menu: gang member registration when on foot and facing a pedestrian, vehicle registration when inside a vehicle - N - Check current zone name and ownership - Shift + N - Open zone controls menu - Ctrl + N - Toggle between zone blip modes (show nearest 5, show all, show none) - Aim at friendly member + H - Add/remove member to/from group (he will follow you around) - Aim at friendly vehicle + H - Make the vehicle back you up (come to you and drop passengers if you're on foot; escort you if you're inside a vehicle) - Aim at friendly member + J - Take control of target member (the armor bar represents the member's health) / return to protagonist - Spacebar (when controlling a member that has been killed) - Take control of nearest member
Installation: Drag the scripts folder and the gangModData folder into your GTAV folder. If you're installing NativeUI as well: just like this mod's .dll, it goes inside the scripts folder too. If you are using Bilago's mod manager, create a folder for this mod inside the "GTAV Mods" folder and then extract the scripts folder into the one you've just created. The GangModData folder must still be put inside the GTAV folder, or else data won't be saved properly. When updating from a previous version, don't overwrite the following files of your "gangModData" folder, or else you'll lose your saved data/options: GangData.xml, ModOptions.xml, TurfZoneData.xml
Default basic Controls: B - Open mod options/gang options and upgrades menu Shift + B - Open contextual registration menu: gang member registration when on foot and facing a pedestrian, vehicle registration when inside a vehicle N - Check current zone name and ownership Shift + N - Open zone controls menu Ctrl + N - Toggle between zone blip modes (show nearest 5, show all, show none) Aim at friendly member + H - Add/remove member to/from group (he will follow you around) Aim at friendly vehicle + H - Make the vehicle back you up (come to you and drop passengers if you're on foot; escort you if you're inside a vehicle) Aim at friendly member + J - Take control of target member (the armor bar represents the member's health) / return to protagonist Spacebar (when controlling a member that has been killed) - Take control of nearest member
Controls are configurable ingame.
Tested in game version v1.60+
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Changes in v2.0.3: - Chain mind control: mind control another member while already controlling one, instead of having to return to the protagonist. - Don't cull members in player's group - Use different reinforcements color for AI-only war - Add warPunishForNoSpawnsEvenIfNoSpawnsAvailable modOption - Possible fix for unresponsive bikes - "Vehicle told to back you up" now subtitle instead of notification - Removed war autoskip on protag. death - Fix disappearing war blips when returning to a war - Fix weapons menu messed up checkbox checking - Fix car color customization menu not saving right option
Changes in v2.0.2: - Added knownMaxPassengers value to vehicles data - Fix vehicle colors menu not opening/working correctly - Fix wrong zone picking for starting wars - Allow protagonists to take control points
Changes in v1.7.0: - Fix for gangs possibly never being wiped out - Tweaks for vehicles with guns - Fix for parachuting peds not despawning when far away - Added modOptions: gangHelicoptersEnabled, maxAdditionalCostToTakeTurf , maxDistanceToPreserveKilledOffscreen , gangMembersRagdollWhenShot, gangMembersReactToFriendliesBeingShot - Attempts at mitigating spawnkilling - I've added placeholder locale files for the WIP localization system, so no more "couldn't find en-US" errors! (add the "locales" folder provided in the zip to your gangModData folder; the rest doesn't have to be replaced if you don't want to, but I recommend also updating PotentialSpawnsForWars) - Testing: make members always ragdoll instead of using death animations when offscreen
Changes in v1.6: - some helicopter support. Members will parachute (or sometimes just free fall) from helicopters. If you want them to always survive the falls, set the gangMembersAreFallproofWhileParachuting mod option to true - some fixes in handling extended saves of non-freemode peds as members - Added "Lock current war reinforcement count" war menu option, for when you don't want the war to end - Added modOptions: gangMembersCanUseCover, gangMembersAreFallproofWhileParachuting, driverUpdateLimitWhileGoingToDest, driverUpdateLimitWhileDroppingOffPassengers, spawnLimitPercentToUseInAIOnlyWar
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