Download Simulator Mods » Fallout 4 » Pistol PL-14 Lebedev v1.0.2 for Fallout 4

Pistol PL-14 Lebedev v1.0.2 for Fallout 4 1

| 20-12-2019, 00:23 | 2 071
Pistol PL-14 Lebedev v1.0.2 for Fallout 4
Category - Fallout 4
Version game - Fallout 4
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Download mod Pistol PL-14 Lebedev v1.0.2 for Fallout 4 game.

The PL-14/PL-15 is a modern, light and compact semi-automatic pistol.    

Presenting the PL-14 Lebedev, a modern semi-automatic pistol. This is a much smaller scale mod than what I usually put out but it's still got a decent amount of customsation options:
- Slide Colours
- Receivers
- Ammo Types
- Muzzles
- Underbarrel Attachments

Changes in v1.0.2:
- Fixed Compact Suppressor texture again.
- Fixed missing animation metadata.
- Fixed missing blue reticle textures.
- Increased Fire Rate

Fallout 4 Version 1.10.162 or Higher

Due to recent changes in the latest updates to Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit that were done to expand the number of forms plugins can have means this mod and a majority of mods to release from now will not work in any version prior to 1.10.162, if you find your game crashing or
the mod just 'not appearing' after installation then it is likely you are not running this version of the game and you will have to update. 

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Pistol PL-14 Lebedev v1.0.2 for Fallout 4 Pistol PL-14 Lebedev v1.0.2 for Fallout 4 Pistol PL-14 Lebedev v1.0.2 for Fallout 4

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Comments (1)
  1. Slaviik2003
    Slaviik2003 Guests
    | № 1 | 10 January 2020 00:10
    + 0-
    Hi! Could you add some mods from gamemodding?
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