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Natural Realism Graphics Mod v4.0 for GTA 5 0

| 14-03-2020, 17:59 | 1 294
Natural Realism Graphics Mod v4.0 for GTA 5
Category - GTA V other mods
Version game - v.1180.1
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Download Natural Realism Graphics Mod v4.0 for GTA 5 | Grand Theft Auto V game.

Natural Realism Graphics - provides improvements for existing game files only, aimed at creating the most comprehensively realistic experience without losing anything from the original game, or relying on 3rd party scripts or injectors.
The end goal is that you can download both NR mods and those may be the only 2 mods you ever need to install.

Features Natural Realism Graphics:
- Compatible with all other mods (Visualsettings or Timecycle mods will overwrite this but not break your game)
- There are more vehicles and peds, but not much more
- Sunlight is much brighter, lighting tweaked to replicate human vision
- Camera effects removed from first person view, chromatic increased to simulate focus loss in peripheral vision
- Less sky bloom (whitewashing)
- Increased general bloom, increased saturation, increased contrast, decreased gamma, modified tonemapping
- Much darker nights
- Distant fog reduced (not removed)
- Visibility in rain and thunder weathers reduced vastly
- Everything is more reflective
- Many graphics-related distance values increased
- Brighter, lighter, further streetlights with slight volumetric fog added to simulate dust
- Powerful emergency lights that reach the sides of the streets
- Vehicle headlights made to match real life with a much greater distance
- Ped vehicles now have real headlights *exactly* like yours (FPS hit warning) (notice they don't change when you enter/exit the vehicle anymore)
- Modified undercar neons, greatly reduced dashboard hand lighting, increased interior & door light power, drastically reduced brake and reverse light power
- Realistic light coronas - weaker normally, blinding in rain and fog

Use OpenIV or your favourite mod tool to open the rpf archives as shown inside the provided zip file. The directory structure mirrors that of the RPF archives. Copy all files to their respective locations inside the RPFs.
Recommended to make backups or use 'mods' folder method - always.

Tested in game version v.1180.1
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Natural Realism Graphics Mod v4.0 for GTA 5 Natural Realism Graphics Mod v4.0 for GTA 5 Natural Realism Graphics Mod v4.0 for GTA 5

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