Download Simulator Mods » Euro Truck Simulator 2 » ETS 2 trucks » Renault Magnum Integral E2 + Interior v2.5.1 (1.43.x) for ETS2

Renault Magnum Integral E2 + Interior v2.5.1 (1.43.x) for ETS2 3

| 20-02-2022, 21:15 | 5 915
Renault Magnum Integral E2 + Interior v2.5.1 (1.43.x) for ETS2
Category - ETS 2 trucks
Version game - 1.43.x
Credits: -
Last edited by: admin - 20-02-2022, 21:15
Reason: Mod Updated to v2.5.1
Download mod Renault Magnum Integral E2 + Interior v2.5.1 (1.43.x) for ETS2 | Euro Truck Simulator 2 game.

A great addition added to the game Euro Truck Simulator 2 is Mod Renault Magnum Integral E2 + Interior for 1.43.x game version, which can be downloaded for free and without registration. You can also see other fashion from the category Trucks for Euro Truck Simulator or go to the main section ETS 2 mods.

Renault Magnum Integral E2 - This is a 2 generation Renault Magnum Integrale truck mod that was produced in the 2nd half of the 90s of the last century - a legendary truck without exaggeration. The mod is made on a very high-quality 3D model, has a high-quality bake with AO-textures in 4K and 2K resolution. Has its own original tuning, wheels and of course the sound.

Features Renault Magnum Integral E2:
- independent truck model
- High quality 3D model
- High quality detailed exterior
- High quality detailed interior
- correct truck proportions
- the model has own interior
- the model has own sound
- the model has own wheels
- the model has a passanger seat
- the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat
- the choice of engine power
- the choice of transmission and gearbox
- the choice of chassis (low and normal)
- the choice of wheels configuration
- choice of color body / metallic paint / skins
- correct position of the Renault logo
- present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
- Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals
- working lights
- working mirrors
- The correct position of the player
- There are external tuning
- Cabin Accessories support
- Cables Trailer support
- Window animation support
- Supports all major functions of the game
- buy in Renault or Acces Mod dealer

Changes in v2.5.1 By AJIEHA:
- Added stock steering wheel from RENO (if someone doesn't like what they have).

Tested on game version 1.43.x
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Renault Magnum Integral E2 + Interior v2.5.1 (1.43.x) for ETS2 Renault Magnum Integral E2 + Interior v2.5.1 (1.43.x) for ETS2 Renault Magnum Integral E2 + Interior v2.5.1 (1.43.x) for ETS2

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Comments (3)
  1. Csák József Zoltán
    | № 3 | 12 February 2022 20:59
    + +1-

    Please make the steering wheel optional as soon as possible and return the old one! Thanks!

  2. Csák József Zoltán
    | № 2 | 11 February 2022 14:37
    + -1-

    Erre a modelre nagyon sokat vártam mire az aktuális játékverzióhoz alakítottátok!Nagy meglepetésemre ezzel a kormánykerékkel rettentően elszúrtátok az egészet!Ez nem illik egy régi típusú integralba egy versenyautó kormány!Miért nem hagytátok meg a régit is ez így katasztrófa!Mint egy traktorban egy csopper kormány!Foglalkozásomból adódóan amionosként ez nagy csalódást nekem!Ha egy mód van rá szeretném ha szeretném, ha szeretném, és még ha meg is tartjátok ezt az undorító,életszerűtlen kormánykereket,adaptáljátok hozzá a régit is vissza!Ez így borzalom egy ilyen részletes modellben!

  3. Csák József Zoltán
    | № 1 | 11 February 2022 14:37
    + 0-

    I've been waiting a long time for this model to be upgraded to the current version of the game! ! As an amion, my job is a big disappointment for me!

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